If you have a sat communicator with SOS, I think it's just a matter of making your wife realize that, yes, bad things can happen, but being by yourself doesn't really increase the odds of that. Having someone there in camp with you isn't going to keep you from being attacked by a bear or lion or...
By the way, this isn't happening until 2028. Here is more information on some of the changes if anyone wants to read up on it: https://cpw.widen.net/view/pdf/ofnegzcr0p/Item.22_DrawChanges.pdf?u=xyuvvu
Yeah, that's certainly interesting. In a way, it's good as it gives everyone at least a chance to hunt a premium unit, whereas if someone enters the current point setup today, they have no chance of ever drawing one of those tags in their lifetime. But it still doesn't fix the issue with...
A new season of Elk101's Destination Elk kicks off tonight, and things are going to be a little different this season, to say the least…
Four teams (ELK101, Skousen, Angry Spike, and Prime) have all met at a central Base Camp location and are heading into the Idaho backcountry for 8 days of elk...
Lol, from my understanding this isn't AI. This was legit. His son, Beau, who made the post, is well known in the industry. He's a fantastic elk caller and has won multiple RMEF Championships.
Keep in mind that the number of archery hunters is spread out across the entire month instead of during a one week rifle season. Is the unit OTC archery? If so, the number of hunters is a guestimate, at best, as well. The same can be said about rifle season if it was OTC. And typically, muzzy...
Stumbled on this and thought I would share it. Pretty great deal as you couldn't even reload for this price. Supposedly they are pretty accurate too based on reviews I've seen on other sites...
I'm with you ribo. I'm hoping Dan's continued posts on this thread will guilt me into getting back to working out. The kids keep us so busy these days along with other things in life that I fell off of the workout wagon a couple years ago and have struggled to make time to get back on board. I...
Yeah, the bed size in the RZR isn't great, especially in those 50" width models. Question for you: are there a lot of trails you plan on riding that require the 50" rule? The only reason I ask is I think any 50" model isn't going to have very sufficient bed space. It makes me think you could...