If you are hunting Idaho in the Nez Perce-Clearwater National Forest it is closed to all people due to fire. Just FYI
Last year a friend of mine had good success in an area that had burned a month before season. I was thinking about giving it a shot this year but didnt know what would draw bulls to a recently burned area.
Last year I hunted an area in Idaho with a large wolf population. The bulls would only bugle for the first 20 minutes of light and then were silent for the rest of the day. The has numerous meadows and lots of water. I attempted to get close to the bulls and challenge them but they would turn...
Does any put attractants out in front of their trail cameras? If so what do you use and what works best for you? I have been looking at Trophy Rocks and may possibly go with them this year. Also every state is different legality wise. I know Idaho you can use attractants in front of your game...
I'm looking for an area in idaho that has an outrageous amount of wolves, preferably central, south or eastern idaho.. Myself and some fellow police officers would like to assist in the eradication of the wolf population. Any info would be great.
I'm hunting the McCall unit in Idaho and it's freaking hot. Around 75 to 80 during the day so the rut hasn't hit full swing. The elk are on fire first thing as daylight starts coming up but go silent around 8 am. Then I don't hear a bugle for the rest of the day till Bout 15 mins before dark...
Has anyone hunted unit 42 for archery deer draw? I live in unit 41 so I'm not far away but didn't know if it was worth my time? Any info is helpful. Thanks
Has anyone ever hunted 19a? Just wanting to know if its worth my time to check out this unit? Been hunting the Weiser unit and did alright but too many people are starting to show up.
If your on facebook and looking for a place to share your photos, information and meeting new people then click on the link provided. Its a great page for hunters, fishermen and trappers.
It is now opening day for OTC Archery Elk and Deer. Unfortunately i am sitting here at work and i wont be getting any days off until the 11th. This is tough for me to even concentrate at work knowing i cant got hunt until my time off. What a bummer. But on a lighter note, Good Luck to...
Heres a link to an article about 176 sheep killed by wolves here in the state of Idaho.
Well I went out and got my trail camera since my unit is burning down. I was surprised to see some cow elk, bear, doe and fawn plus a couple bucks. No bull elk but that's ok. Hopefully my unit doesn't burn up too bad where I won't be able to hunt it.
Tomorrow i will be headed out with my 8 year old step son to do some scouting. It will be his first time introduced to hunting. He is very excited to spend time in the woods. I know i will not be able to get all the scouting i want in but just having my son with me makes it that much better. I...
Got drawn for an idaho archery antelope tag for unit 40, 41, 42. It's an unlimited archery tag unit but still excited. Good thing I live in unit 41 and know where the big speed goats are located.