i seriously cannot wait to RETIRE!


New member
Aug 6, 2017
i LOVE my job for the most part. 

but i am tired of the stress.  i had a wild day yesterday.  started at 3:00 am..went hard at it.
went home at 5pm to get some rest to meet the contractor bosses at 8:00pm.  crawled into bed at 10:00pm to a ringing phone. 

"can you come back?  more bosses showed up to meet"
what a cluster-eff!!  there is an error on the project.  zero-dark-thirty is not the hour to try to figure it out.  plans are hard to read, you cant run survey equipment.
i shut it down!  took another shower and crawled into bed at midnight.  calculations and scenarios running thru my head. 

back at it.  nothing much clearing in daylight. :)
Just think.... 15 days and you'll be in the mountains....
Don't lose your focus!
DTP said:
Just think.... 15 days and you'll be in the mountains....
Don't lose your focus!

Yep, those days are the days that make you even more appreciative of hunting trips.  :-D
my hunt almost got bombed from orbit by upper management.
i heard, "he cant go on vacation, we have that meeting!".
i had a serious wtf moment. my boss was feeling so bad passing me the message.
i just spent way more than i wanted on an airline ticket to fly.  you should have heard the cussing.
and i loaned out my guncase to some idiot that doenst know where it is.  hahahha..i'm buying a new one, i suppose. 

what a crap week.

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