Wrench meets 2025 Elk Plan.


New member
Jul 24, 2024
Well, my suspicions came to light yesterday. The partner I was planning to go elk hunting with this year backed out on me. He has his reasons, and I don't blame him or hold any grudges against him whatsoever. Now what? I am all for going solo, but my wife is pretty adamant I don't. I'm not giving up on the idea of going solo, but it will take some convincing on my part. Does anyone have any words of advice on how I might be able to calm my wife's fears of me going solo? My plan would still be to go to CO, or NM if I'm lucky, so it's not like I'm hunting in Griz country. Sure the thought of me being alone in the forest with bears, lions, and maybe wolves scares her, but I think something more dramatic scares her like me falling of a cliff or something. She knows I have a sat communicator, so how else can I calm those fears in her? It'd be great to have a partner, but I know 0 people that match my mindset, humility, and passion for this while also being a bow hunter....Thought and advice are welcome!
The interesting thing I’ve seen people do over the years is they just ask people who like camping, hiking, fishing and photography. The person doesn’t have to be a hunter to get excited about the outdoors. I’ve seen a lot of people get people to come along and they go off exploring on their own. Then they were just accountable to each other back at camp to make someone isn’t most.

Another thing I’ve seen is draw the tag first, then get on forums and see who else drew the tag as a resident or non-resident. You can create camp buddies or accountability buddies that way!
If you have a sat communicator with SOS, I think it's just a matter of making your wife realize that, yes, bad things can happen, but being by yourself doesn't really increase the odds of that. Having someone there in camp with you isn't going to keep you from being attacked by a bear or lion or keep you from falling off a cliff. I would try to make a deal that I would check in with her at certain times throughout the day (morning, afternoon, evening) and, no matter what, I won't miss checking in. I could have an elk 40 yards from me, but if it's 12:00 and that's when I said I'd check in, then I'm dropping everything to check in. That way she'll know you are safe and won't have to worry. Just my two cents, but that's how I handle things when I go into the woods solo.
I camp and hunt solo all the time. Maybe it says something that my wife has zero concerns about me being alone in the woods. I should make sure she hasn’t taken a large life insurance policy out on me.

I hunt north Idaho. We have all the predators you mentioned. I’ve never had an issue but I do think about predators. Especially when something wakes me up at night. As long as you keep a clean camp and don’t have elk quarters hanging by your tent you should be fine. I don’t know how to convince your wife of that. It sounds like you have done everything already that I would suggest. Maybe mention how many people do this very same thing every year with no problems. Or find a popular trailhead to camp at so your not alone at night. Like others have said you can get hurt just as easily falling off a cliff with someone as you would by yourself. Maybe try to assure her that you won’t take any foolish chances.

And if it’s check in time for me and I have an elk bugling at 40 yards I’m missing check in time. Most likely because I will have forgotten but even if I did remember I’m probably missing it. But don’t tell your wife that.
The number of 2 and 4 legged predators is definitely on the rise out here. As long as you’ve got your head on straight you won’t have a problem.
I always carry a InReach for me and the wife’s peace of mind. Never thought much about a sidearm until this past season, cat sign and sightings were up in southern Colorado. Looking for a comfortable holster for my 10mm.
Between the InReach and some kind of deterrent , you’ll be fine. Until you hear that bump in the night! Just kidding!
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