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  1. S

    Gee, I Forgot My ....

    We have all done it. We left home without something we really wanted on our hunt, or maybe needed. We got to our stand, or two miles away from our vehicle and realized, ooops, I forgot my ??? I have a long list including my rangefinder and release. What are some things you have forgot and...
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    Elk Hunting Partner

    What makes a good elk hunting partner? How is an elk hunting partner different from any other hunting partner?
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    Critical Shots

    All of us need to know about our shooting capabilities. There are limits for all of us regardless of what we shoot. Whether we carry a gun or bow, there are also critical but manageable shot opportunities. We all like a 20 yard broadside shot at a relaxed standing bull. Often this is not...
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    Can You Keep A Secret?

    If I invite you to hunt with me and sit in my stands, would you be able to keep quiet about their location? Would you talk to me about going back, and make sure to not interfere with my plans? Isn\'t it amazing how many people can\'t manage the basic human decency so obvious here? I...
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    Tell Me About Your Treestand

    I prefer a fixed position stand set 20-25 feet above the ground. I have gone up over 30 feet in a few places. I want my scent to not come to the ground anywhere in the vicinity of my stand. I also am trying to avoid being seen. Good cover around my stand is as good or better than height, as...
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    Cow Or Small Bull

    I have sat in my tree stand many times when several elk came in at once. At that time I had a choice of which one to shoot. Often it is a small bull that shows up with several cows. Would you prefer to shoot a small 4x4 bull, that would weigh 210 lbs hanging quarters, or would you shoot a cow...
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    The Flavor of Elk

    I have eaten good elk meat from animals killed on a wide range of habitat here on the PNW. I can\'t tell one from another if they are healthy and properly taken care of after being killed. Can you?
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    How Big Is Your Elk Knife?

    Cnelk started a thread about Colt the knife. This is different. Not all of us will get a chance at Colt, so what do you carry? How large is the blade, or blades? I have a Buck Mini Alpha. The blade is nearly 2 3/4 inches long. The other knife is either a small pocket knife or a Buck with a...
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    Are We In Too Big Of A Hurry?

    We live in a hurry up world where every thing is done on time. Even our hunting time is bargained for and measured out. We often plan a year ahead for just a week off. Much of our hunting time is used to mentor the next generation of hunters. Most hunters get a slot of time, and maybe a...
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    Elk Hunting Skill

    Sometimes I cringe when I hear some hunters blowing on their elk calls. I wonder if they know how lousy they really are. Ok, I want to start a debate today. Weigh in if you like. I say that people should learn good solid hunting skills before they ever start calling elk, instead of trying to...
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    Tent, Trailer, Spike or Other

    What makes an elk camp great for you? I think it is a good comfortable bed, shelter from the weather and good companions. I have been trailer camping for years now, but the trailer is not what makes it so good. I could be just as happy in a good wall tent. So I repeat, what makes an elk...
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    Is Elk Hunting Comparable To Rocket Science?

    I say no, but to read some of the garbage that is being peddled these days, a person could led to make a mistake on that point. Some gurus, at least, appear to try and make you think it is. You don\'t need to be in the condition of a marathon runner either. Good shape is very important, but...
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    Morning or Evening

    I have killed elk in the morning, midday and in the evening over the years. Over time, I have come to the conclusion I prefer evening kills. This is especially true If the insects, including Yellow Jackets are bad, or it is hot out. Usually at night it is just me and the animal. It is...
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    What is Different?

    A new season will begin before you know it. This hunting season will be unique. What will you do differently? What are your goals. I plan to start hunting a new area. My goals are to learn as much as possible about the new area(s) and harvest an elk. I would like to see if hunting an area...
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    Elk Fables

    We have all heard some whopper stories about elk behavior and how to hunt. A few that come to mind that, I have read or have been told include: Elk are terrified of the scent of human urine. The truth is I don\'t get any reaction from them or other big game. As many of you have read, I have...
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    Moon Phase & Elk Kills

    Do you keep track of the dates and times of your elk kills? For my last 5 kills, 2 were on a new moon, 2 were on a half moon and 1 was on a full moon. Sometime back I checked and found the distribution was roughly even for over twenty kills I had dated. If you kept track of the dates it would...
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    Most Rewarding Way to Hunt

    Yesterday Olympushunt suggested a poll to see what hunters here believe is the most rewarding way to hunt. He also asked which way is the most challenging. So, what do you think? For me, I think, the most challenging would be spot and stalk with a bow. The most rewarding would be the method...
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    Wallows and Bedding Areas

    On the thread about the most encouraging sign we got to discussing wallows a little. To focus some attention on wallows, what do you see is the big deal with them? I have sat hundreds, and maybe a couple thousand hours over wallows. Without good drinking water and active trails close at hand...
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    Fist Pumping

    Bnsafe\'s thread about losing interest in killing got me to thinking, again. What do you think about fist pumping displays, brought into public, and things like displaying a bloody head on the grille of a pickup truck? What if anything do you think is says about that hunter and what is the...
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    Riding With Mtnmutt

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