Search results

  1. S

    Elk On Trail Cameras

    For you folks that use trail cameras, I am wondering if you have noticed one or two particular times of the day, that you are picking up most of your elk pictures? From sitting in tree stands for many years now, I have seen the most in the late afternoon and evening. Of coarse I never sit in...
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    One Thing

    What is the number one thing you have learned that has taken your elk hunting to the level you are at? What is making a difference to you now that was missing in seasons past? For me it is the ability to see evidence on the ground and to know where to hang a stand. It is looking around a...
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    Gittin Ready

    I have been thinking about elk season a lot differently lately. Those thoughts have started taking on an aura of urgency. I started shooting my bow again last week. I noticed that my field points were off from where they should have been hitting. Then I remembered I replaced my quiver and...
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    Elk Reactions

    This thread may seem a bit morbid to some, but I am curious. Do you think any elk feels significant pain from being hit with a well placed bullet or broad head? What evidence have you observed to support your belief? What reactions have you seen from elk being hit? Elk hit with a bullet from...
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    2014 First Elk

    Just for the fun of it lets see if we can guess the following, from the list of hunters that post here: If you know someone that is not registered and would like to participate, just inform them. They can be entered in AmericanBwana\'s contest too. Who will get their first elk? Who will get...
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    What Do You Do

    You are bow hunting at 9:30 Am and you hear a bugle off in the timber in front of you. You estimate the distance at about 125-150 yards, so you decide to sneak in as far as you can. You know the bench the bull called from. It is a common bedding area. There is some cover to conceal you, so...
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    How Would You Advise?

    A sincere greenhorn, on another forum said, he and two other greenhorns are heading West to archery hunt elk this September.  He wants to know if they should have a two caller setup with one shooter, or have one caller and two shooters.  This fellow is obviously paying a lot of money and wants a...
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    Your Elk Hunting Style

    Calling, spot and stalk, tree Stand and still hunting all have their advocates. What is your preferred elk hunting style and why? Where do you believe your style works best and why? If you have not determined you have a preferred style, why? I prefer tree stand hunting. I believe I have...
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    Elk Hunting Forum - Raking and Bugling

    On occasion I come upon a bull raking while I am out hunting. Often all they are doing is raking and doing no bugling. How often do you hear bulls bugling while raking and do you remember was it during the rut? Were there other elk nearby that he was displaying for? What I am trying to find...
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    Livestock Grazing and Elk

    Where I hunt cattle grazing has a strong adverse effect on elk use. Sometimes the forage pretty much all consumed by cattle by the time hunting comes around. The elk are left high on the slopes and in hard to reach places only. Due to severe grazing and heavy hunting pressure most of the elk...
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    Elk Hunting Forum - Temperatures and Calling

    What is your experience and observation about the correlation between air temps and your ability to get elk to answer a call? Do they respond to one call better than another when the temperatures are in the 70s or 80s? Are bulls more likely to come in quietly to a call if the temps are high...
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    Last Resort

    When things are not going well on my elk hunt and I have had no shots at an acceptable elk, there is one place I always go. That place is never hot, but it can produce any day of the season. I have several places that may be hot for awhile, but when they go cold, nothing will happen there for...
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    Elk Hunting Magazines

    There are a lot of magazines dedicated to hunters. Maybe there are as many magazines dedicated to hunting as to fixing women\'s hair. I guess we all have problems and would like to take things to the next level. What I am wondering is if anyone subscribes to an elk hunting publication they...
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    Preparing Tree Stand or Blind Locations

    Reading the Aspens thread, got me to wondering what others have done to prepare sites where they want a tree stand. I have dug out a water hole, cleared shooting lanes, felled dangerous snags that I did not want leaning over me, cleared paths so I could access my stand quietly, and even salted...
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    I suppose this may seem like a very basic question. We all have our ideas about what scouting is. Are we looking for the same things when we are scouting for elk? I am sure we are not all on the same page. In fact I almost never scout for elk. I look for areas that show good elk use sign...
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    Would you describe your favorite elk hunting habitat and explain why? I prefer lower elevation semi arid areas where available water is in short supply. Lower elevations are usually warmer so water is even more important for the elk and waiting there more productive. I find those areas have...
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    The Life Of A Diaphragm

    I keep my elk call diaphragms in a box in the basement or in the fridge. Over time they slowly loose their elasticity and ability to make those subtle sounds they once did. What is the best way to store calling diaphragms and how long should they last for an occasional user, average user and a...
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    Advanced Elk Calling

    A little over a week ago the Elk Calling 101 thread was started. In that thread was a request for simple elk calling strategies. Now I want to go in a different direction. Often there are posts on different forums, where hunters claim incredible success by using Buy Me elk calls, or...
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    Elk Hunting Forum - Elk Calling 101

    \"New hunter here.\" We have read this line in one form or another many times. Often that lead is followed by a short introduction that includes a plan to go on \"my\" first elk bow hunt. When I get to Colorado I would like to be the Pied Piper of elk, but I really don\'t know which call to...
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    Physical Training For Your Hunt

    I was reading the latest edition of Elk Hunter Magazine, Editor\'s Notebook by Ryan Hatfield. Well Ryan was railing against someone, on one of the internet forums, that was complaining about all of the push for elk hunters to be more physically fit. It seems a lot of the hunting magazines have...