Search results

  1. T

    Cody Carr?

    Has anyone done an archery hunt with Cody Carr in Montana?  Seems like a good guy over the phone and so far his references have checked out.  Just trying to give myself the best experience.  Thanks
  2. T

    Outfitter for Montana

    It's short notice and the guide I wanted for Montana doesn't have any spots open for Archery or rifle.  Any recommendations out there for a solid outfitter in Montana?  Thanks
  3. T

    Private land elk hunt recommendations

    Looking for a private land elk hunt this fall as my buddy and I don't have any points and want to be sure of a hunt.  This would be a rifle hunt, fair chase, good opportunity at a good bull, and a great experience.  The budget is around 7k.  We don't have a preference on state.  Thanks for the tips.