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  1. D


    You take a break from your September bowhunt at noon to enjoy lunch and hear a bugle in the dark spruce across a meadow. You figure he\'s probably about 500 yards away. The wind is light and steady. Next move? Do you hunt him mid-day, on the theory that bedded bulls are vulnerable to...
  2. D

    MRE Help

    Any tips on getting the food heated-up? Brad convinced me that MREs are the way to go, so I got some and made my own \"menu\" and took one along today scouting. The trouble was that it didn\'t heat up real well. The heater felt hot, but the food never really warmed, even after 12 minutes. So...
  3. D


    Well, today was a strange one: Relatively windless, and I got done with my chores earlier than expected, so ... I did some work with a compound bow and a Ruger in .308. Results: Bow is \"On\" to 50, with broadheads right with the field points (Viper Tricks, like the last couple years)...
  4. D

    Wind test

    The winds are supposed to be around 25 with gusts well above that. A hill in WY is a good place for a wind test.
  5. D

    In to camp

    Well, I\'m back from the hills. Spent Saturday riding into camp to check on things. And ... They look great! Sign everywhere. Heck, there are tracks IN camp. Lots of water and lots of grass. All is proceeding as I have foreseen. Spent the rest of Sunday through today in various spots in...
  6. D

    Mid-day discussions (again)

    I\'d like to discuss mid-day bedding area hunting again. I\'m headed on a 10-day trip in September to hunt elk, and I don\'t plan on much mid-day hunting there, as we don\'t want to push the elk out. But ... I do have a weekend prior to that to hunt closer to home. I\'ll probably go once or...
  7. D

    The Staredown

    My greatest \"fear\" in elk hunting has changed from \"I can\'t find elk\" to \"I\'ve found an elk, he\'s well in-range, and I can\'t draw\". If I come home without an elk this year, this will most-likely be the cause. So ... Put here your tips on how to deal with it, including: -- Proper...
  8. D

    Oh, scat!

    Here\'s a thread to serve as a field guide to scat. This is some bear scat from a couple weekends ago. Anyone else have some scat they\'d like to share?
  9. D

    Posting photos

    Anyone else having trouble posting photos? I used to be able to post right from my iPhone, but now the files are too big. Anyone know how to resize them on the phone?
  10. D

    .308 recommendations

    Before he died last year, Dad won a raffle: a .308 Win. I\'ll use it this fall for pronghorn, cow elk, and mule deer. I am finding I don\'t have time to work up a load, so I need some recommendations for factory loads.
  11. D

    Crate training puppies

    Quick ... Crate training tips! We\'ve never been able to do it well, and we\'re proving it again
  12. D

    You know what I like about archery elk hunting?

    1. It\'s in SEPTEMBER! You know what I used to do in Nebraska in September? Dove hunt. Fun, but shooting 12 doves is somewhat less exciting than even hearing a bull bugle. You know what serious Nebraska hunters hunt in September? Squirrels, rabbits, and Mourning Doves. 2. It\'s in SEPTEMBER...
  13. D

    Ever have one of those days?

    Was going to go camping yesterday ... but my wife\'s friend needed her time a bit in the morning, so we delayed the trip until afternoon. No problem. She got back, and I started up the pickup. I noticed that the little sticker in the window said the least oil change was a long time ago ...
  14. D

    Why are bows so expensive?

    I don\'t mean to take this thread in some \"They\'re ripping us off\" direction. I have no idea what the margins are in the archery industry, but I would suspect they are actually pretty narrow, both on the upper end and the lower end. Economics demands that in a competitive market like the one...
  15. D


    I got a text from an old friend yesterday. He mentioned that he had found a 12x12 Alaknak on Craig\'s List for a real steal of a price. He didn\'t need the tent, but figured that he knew someone who would want it, so he bought it. Well, he found that \"someone\" right away! For the price...
  16. D

    Weather, quality of antler

    I hear that antler quality may have something to do with weather ... but have any of you really noticed it? Does anyone know of evidence that weather really correlates with average antler size? (I wonder if there is such evidence, and if so, if it\'s winter weather, spring weather, or summer...
  17. D

    Points Purchased

    Thankfully, I remembered in time ... and sent my CC information to the State of Colorado to buy another deer and elk PP. 10 each, now. Anyone else saving points?
  18. D

    Lighted Nocks

    Brad (Cnelk) and I were shooting yesterday, and we put a lighted nock on one of the arrows to check arrow flight. Lighted nocks are legal where I hunt, so now I\'m thinking about using one on my hunting arrows. I think they might be real helpful, especially to find an arrow after a shot. If...
  19. D

    Drugs (Medicines)

    Well, the \"What did you do today?\" thread brought up some points about medication brought along while in the backcountry. I thought I\'d share my perspective. 1. Aspirin. This should be with everyone. Fully a third of ALL deaths in North America are related to coronary artery disease...
  20. D

    Getting Stuff

    I see lots of threads here and elsewhere about gear ... Why you should buy expensive gear. Why you should but cheap gear. Why you should buy new gear. Why you should buy used gear. Why you should buy camo gear. Why you should buy non-camo gear. Here\'s the deal ... I learn from all of them! I...

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