Here\'s a photo of our \"Shed Tree\" ... a collection of sheds we have found from all over ...
In there are moose, elk, mulies, whitetails, pronghorn, buffalo, and mountain goat antlers and horns.
Well, it\'s still cold, windy, nasty here.
Anyone have experience with short-range shooting practice ... say, in a garage?
While accuracy would not be something to practice like that, working on form, I\'m thinking, might be a good way to spend some cold weekends.
I\'m planning on doing some pronghorn hunting before elk season this year ... and while I will have a blind up, I\'m thinking about making one of my goals this year to take a pronghorn (any pronghorn, BTW) with an arrow, spot & stalk.
Any experience out there? I\'ll need all the help I can get.
In another thread, I listed \"getting drawn\" as the hardest part of elk hunting.
I don\'t mean \"getting a tag\", though that\'s tough in some places, too!
What I mean is getting a bow drawn and pointed in the right direction without getting busted.
Please list any and all advice that comes...
Who\'s doing much shooting?
Me? Not any. It\'s cold, windy, and generally nasty here. I enjoy shooting arrows in the summer ... I can shoot at my place out further than I\'d ever shoot at an animal, and can vary the shots to include \"real\" field shooting. (I would get very bored with an...
How many of you camp at your vehicle?
Camping with your vehicle sure has a lot of advantages ... coolers, ATV, fuel ... and there\'s virtually no limit to bringing gear that you \"might need\". Also, you can remain quite mobile.
The downside ... if your vehicle got there, someone else can, too...