I have only been archery hunting a few times, never for Elk. Its always been Whitetails, and never out of WV. I would so much love to hunt Elk, whether archery or gun, preferably gun, lol. The state of WV is supposed to partner with Arizona Fish and Wildlife to bring @ 60 more Elk to the state...
I started hunting at a young age with my dad and brother. I can remember them taking TP with them, and me asking, "Why"?. Then it hit me, to go to the bathroom if needed. Another time, it was just my dad and myself, my brother had moved, and he sold the 30-30 he had, knowing I was going to buy...
I am an avid Whitetail hunter. I hunt everyyear here in WV. The population here is pretty good, with more larger bucks spotted every year. I enjoy the outdoors, and hunting in WV. Some of the best places to hunt here are on farms.