1st duck hunt for the boys

Ol' Arky

New member
Apr 24, 2014
Dec 12th was the 1st time the boys went duck hunting this year and it was a family thing since most everyone else is still deer hunting...

The meat pole is lite... :( :( My 2 boys and 3 grand sons went and found good water but no ducks in the area... 3 wood ducks were killed...

Of course each hunt has to have it\'s memories... :D :D And this one was no different... All 3 of the wood ducks were killed with 1 shot... :shock: :shock: A wood duck triple is unheard of in the area we hunt and this is a 1st for us... :upthumb: :upthumb:

Who fired the shot??? :?: :?:

That question has so far gone unanswered... :silent: :silent:

But my oldest grand son told my wife on Friday he was going to kill a wood duck and he told me yesterday afternoon he did... :lol: :lol:

The \"Itch\" gets worse... ;) ;)
Nice Phil. Been to warm up here to push ducks down your way. Our lakes are still open except for some small ones. Still have Canvasbacks swimming on the lakes.

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