1st time with Glacier Country calls


New member
Sep 3, 2017
Received my package of Glacier Country calls this week. I had to wait for the wife to be at work before pulling them out and giving them a try.

So before you listen, I must warn you that 1.), I haven\'t picked up a reed call for over two years, 2.) My bugle tube has not been used for close to 5 years, 3.) I don\'t claim to be a good caller by any stretch of the imagination, and 4.) I only practiced long enough to loosen the latex up).

Anyway, here goes (Put your drink down before listening. Look away from the computer or tablet. Not responsible for snort spray on your electronics :shock: )

iPhone URL Bad Calling


Added an iPhone link. I tested it with mine. You may want to install the soundcloud app.

I\'ll add a how to add these recording\'s later.

Thanks, AB. Sorry to be a pain but I wanted to hear your early attempts with the Glacier Country calls.

Honestly, for having not used a call in two years you weren\'t bad. Maybe not ready for \"The Show\" yet, but in the right elk rich area I think it would work.

I know you don\'t have lots of calls to compare, but what was your first impression of the GC calls? I\'m always looking for something that sounds different from all the other horn blowers in the woods. Still Hunter is thinking, if you wanna sound different try being quiet. Valid point, I\'m sure.
Impressed so far.

I usually use a call with a tab on it. These are traditional diaphragm calls.

Even with that I was able to start making Elk like sounds within a few minutes.

I\'m also going to try the calls from Wapiti when they come in.

I\'ll probably go with three calls Corey Jacobsen mentioned in his video. Cow, locator, challenge.

Not to worried about not sounding like someone else. Heck some of the worst callers out there are elk (According to the experts anyway).
[media][/media]AB, Can I offer, some advice? I have helped tons of guys with their calling.... This is Elk Mentors after all right.
First lets put your jaw and tongue in the correct position for success. So It sounds like to me that your jaw is locked too tight, relax your jaw a little so you can pull your tongue back which puts a hump in the back of your tongue. Now put the middle of your tongue on the middle of the latex. SLOWLY say KNEE to get a Calf sound. Then EEE YAW for the cow sounds.
Your Jaw is too far forward and your lips seem too puckered up like a kiss at the end of call which gives a high EEE EWWW sound. With a bit of a cluck as your tongue drops off. Relax your jaw and get small smile before you start to call.

So now that you can put your tongue and jaw in the right position blow lite air from your diaphragm SLOW at first to get control.
Now put your tongue and Jaw in the same position for the Bull bugle
You were pressing so hard and blowing way too much air on the bull sounds that the reed can\'t break in the middle, Which is really where the loudness comes from.
Blow that Deadly Weapon Slow, try to see how little air it takes to make the call go from low to high. Go extra Slow at first. No growl at first either. You can always speed it up and add a growl later. Hope this Helps Everybody----> Troy

I tried to upload a Sound clip but I can\'t tell if it is on here? How do you put sound clips on here I had no problem on other sites?? I\'m a computer Dummy you have to make it easy.
Thanks for the feedback. I\'ll give that a try when I have a chance.

My sample was uploaded to Soundcloud.com. I just copied the url of the file, and pasted it between the [media][/media] boxes.

I enabled the attachment of .wav, mp3, and .wma files. I\'m hoping that will be a good start.

[attachment=0]<!-- ia0 -->message.wav<!-- ia0 -->[/attachment]



  • message.wav
    31.2 KB
I found the Orange Enrager to be an awesome diaphragm. I believe it will be great where I hunt. The better bulls are generally good 5x5s and a few 6x6\'s. Stringunner got as nice a bull (about 315 gross) as I have seen in a long time last year. I guess this thread is what WW was referring to when he put out his Welkome thread. Dana thanks for sharing your call practice. I think we all can learn from your experience.
AB what I want to be able to do is... click upload attachment , grab a sound file from a folder I have on my computer. ( I made sounds on my iphone and sent to that file)
then hit Choose file click that then click ad file , click preview . so I know it is there and then post the sounds. That\'s what I always did before and now it doesn\'t seem to work on this site. or I am doing something wrong. Maybe walk me thru it Baby steps. My file says m4a Is that why it won\'t upload?

I have never done sound cloud and don\'t really want to. I don\'t think it is as good as what I do now? I saw your instructions above . You are techno talking above my head. Think WAY User friendly. [media][/media]

Also did you post more elk sounds ? I can\'t here them if you did . it just sounds like an arrow and says message? ?? Also I am getting a windows media player required message. HELP.

Swede I have a new Deadly weapon series that is ... dare I say more versatile , than the Orange Enrager? Better cow/calf sounds and a great bugle. Slight trade off on the bugle but not much!
Preliminary results with new and newish callers is very very good. I was trying to post some sounds from this new call. Thanks Troy GCHC
Ok, here are the directions.

When replying to a post / or creating a new post, click on \'Upload Attachments\' below the box you are typing in.

[attachment=1]<!-- ia1 -->Upload.png<!-- ia1 -->[/attachment]

Next, click on \'Choose File\'. Select the file you want to upload, then click on \'Add the file\'

[attachment=0]<!-- ia0 -->uploadstep2.png<!-- ia0 -->[/attachment]


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Had a few minutes tonight, so I tried the Secret Weapon 2 using the relaxed jaw method.

I only had a few minutes, but did get the Great Dane to grumble at me.

Its attached and available online at Soundcloud


  • day2SecretWeapon2.m4a
    202 KB · Views: 459
AB, it would be a lot easier if you start with a single reed.As a general rule single reed calls are easiest to do cow sounds on., depending on the stretch of the single reed you maybe able to do some bugles as well. Most double reed calls are Bull calls first that maybe you can do pitchy cow sounds on.Which is fine, I like a call like that the best for versatility , but that doesn\'t mean it is the easiest call to learn sounds on.With the Deadly weapon double as you can see I can do both. In your clip above you are trying to do cow sounds on a Secret Weapon 2 Bull call. Even I will make pitchy cow sounds with this call... It is meant to locate elk and bugle at them.An Outstanding call but... A more advanced call.

So lets just back up a minute and start with cow and calf sounds on a single reed or maybe, even the deadly Weapon.
You are making sounds on the reed and not a lot of air is escaping.So you are really in pretty good shape So all we really need to do is tweek your mouth , jaw and tongue Combo a little, and break the sounds you are trying to make down into each pitch or Tone. So to lean how to call... instead of doing a cow sound ...Practice the high pitch of the calf then the low note of the cow Super Slow and Elongated to LEarn the pitch and tone breaks. Then and only then put it together for a Cow sound. Also try to start by using the least amount of air pressure and tongue pressure possible to get each sound.
[media][attachment=0]<!-- ia0 -->Deadly Weapon 2A.m4a<!-- ia0 -->[/attachment][/media]


  • Deadly Weapon 2A.m4a
    927.9 KB · Views: 435
[attachment=0]<!-- ia0 -->Learning Cow sounds1.m4a<!-- ia0 -->[/attachment]AB, here try this. This is on a Sweet Temptation single reed it has the Purple tape. Notice how my tongue never drops off off of the call at the end of the cow sound. my jaw drops slightly , but NEVER my tongue. Hope this helps----> Troy GCHC
[media]attachment=0]Learning Cow sounds1.m4a[/attachment][/media]


  • Learning Cow sounds1.m4a
    958.6 KB · Views: 434
So how do I figure out which way is up?

Does it matter on the single reed?

I\'ll play with it over the next few days, but doubt I\'ll have much time until almost May. Lot\'s of travel between now and then, and I suspect the other residents in the hotel may get offended with the noise coming from my room :mg:
AB you are very fortunate to have one of the best callers there is tutoring you. With Troy giving you tips, you ought to have it down in the next 5 months before the season rolls around. You\'re off to a good start! :clap:
Troys calls absolutely rock! The Orange Enrager is absolutely one of the best calls on the market.

And like WW stated, Troy is one of the best teachers around. I\'d encourage everyone to listen to his tutorials and tips.
Keep at it Bwana. Troy\'s calls are top notch. You are doing great for not touching a reed in 2 years. I appreciate that you aren\'t afraid to post up your calling.