2-Way Radios


New member
Jul 21, 2014
A group us are hunting 3rd rifle season in Meeker, CO this Nov. Each of us are experienced hunters and are capable of navigating the terrain with GPS (and backup topo maps) so we're planning to split up each day and hunt solo from our drop camp. We'd like to have a system in place where we can check in with each other in regular intervals but I'm not sure the typical walkie talkies will give us enough range in the mountains and thick timber.

Can any of you recommend specific radios that perform well in mountainous terrain? It seems like all of the radios are either toys or require an advanced degree and special licenses to operate. One of the members in our group is looking for an excuse to buy some new toys so our budget for 3-4 radios could be as high as $500 if it will make a bigger impact than the typical Midland/Motorola radios most retailers carry.

Thanks for any advice you can offer!
i have a pair of hand held cb radios that work well in timber never tried them in the mountains but work great in the foot hills of missouri
I've always been impressed with the Garmin Rhino radios. 5 mile talk and 2 mile party to party locating via GPS. I have the 22 channel gmrs Motorola's and have had good communication in the hills about 3-4 miles. I don't know how far apart you and your buddies intend to be. Asking that question first might allow for easier searching of products to meet your groups needs. Best of luck on your hunts.

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