2014 Big Game tag Allocations Released!


New member
Mar 23, 2017
Go to the CO stats & info Members Only and see my post for that information
looked like a slight increase in the deer tags in the unit i applied for. crossing my fingers. they were suppose to draw today.
Keep checking your Current Pref Points.
Last year they updated about 10pm

Is there a web site to see if I drew a deer tag? How did you know you got it?
I\'m pretty new to the draw.

the easiest way to see if you drew is to check your current Pref Points.

<!-- m --><a class=\"postlink\" href=\"http://cpw.state.co.us/thingstodo/Pages/DrawResults_PreferencePoints.aspx\">http://cpw.state.co.us/thingstodo/Pages ... oints.aspx</a><!-- m -->

Complete the above, submit and then SCROLL DOWN to see current points.

This is only for your 1st Choice.

If you had PPs, you will either have 1 more [didnt draw]
you will have zero PP [you did draw]

If you applied for 2-4th choice, you will need to wait for the 400/500 codes to become available via the backdoor
Thanks Brad you have been very helpful to me this year!

I am not showing the extra PP so far. I got my fingers crossed. They have til May 30th to update thou.