As some of you may remember last Nebraska rifle season I added a thread of my son\'s last day rifle buck. The stars aligned again yesterday afternoon for my son Kenny and this bruiser of a buck followed two does out of the timber of the family farm pasture 75 yards from my son and I. His first shot was a broadside standing shot that I thought connected well and the second he took (at the fleeing buck) wasn\'t even close!!! Thankfully the first was perfectly placed and after a 50 yard burst from the buck my son and I walked up on the largest whitetail ever taken off of the century old farm. The raw excitement and unbounded joy that Kenny showed absolutely made my season. I\'m not one for scores but think the buck is in the 160\'s area give or take. The buck does have a right side with a regular 5 points and a left side with a couple in lines and a forked brow leaves the left side with 8 points, lots of character, good mass and like last years buck that Kenny got a 23 inch spread too boot.
I just need to figure out a photoshop editing technique or find an ap to fix the eye\'s closed on this my favorite pic. Thanks for looking, Kevin.
I just need to figure out a photoshop editing technique or find an ap to fix the eye\'s closed on this my favorite pic. Thanks for looking, Kevin.