2020-2024 Colorado Big Game Season Structure Info


New member
Mar 23, 2017
The next BGSS is now up for review, and the CPW has released some important information.

For those that bow hunt, it looks like there are changes on the horizon - and not for the better.

Read thru the below links, print and send in the survey page.



It should be noted that license allocation and point creep will not be a part of the BGSS
I think by now, all of us should know that the Parks & Wildlife will hold their 5 year public input meetings and in the end they will do what ever they want to do. And the CBA (Colorado Bowhunters Assn) will once again give themselves a big pat on the back for saving the archery seasons and keeping the status quo and not making any waves.

It's the same old stuff every five years!! :mg: :mg: :mg: :mg:

With such a low success rate for Archery, they want to limit the number of license? Absolute ignorance of wildlife management. Having a degree in that field, I don't know who they are hiring to come up with all of this crap.
Glad I'm not a whitetail hunter in Colorado... No hunting during the rut sounds like a good hunter management tool... I hunt pre rut, rut and post rut and have more fun during the rut since I enjoy seeing all the stupid things bucks and doe do during that time..
Not hunting the whitetail rut is kinda like Arkansas have the regular duck season before the fall migration... Sept 1st all the way to Oct 30th would make the 60 day season and wouldn't interfere with any of the modern gun deer season... :crazy: :crazy: Matter of fact it wouldn't interfere with any o the deer seasons since there wouldn't be any ducks to hunt...
Kinda makes me wonder how long it will be before they, CWP, decide not to hunt during the elk rut!!!!!
This is some serious stuff. The trickle down effect could last decades.
And not just in Colorado. It can easily affect neighboring states.

But Im sure most will take take the passive route and do nothing.

Most will do nothing and then complain on every board for the next 5 years. Need to consider your comments to be taken seriously.
If we don?t provide sound reasoning, we?ll end up will a tag structure that is partially politically and monetarily driven.
Then you?ll have to listen to people complain like they do here in Illinois.
Thanks for sharing that Brad. I'll be sure to fill out a survey and get it sent in  :upthumb:
Is anyone else having a hard time opening the survey now? It opened fine earlier but now I can't get it to work. I don't see a link to it anywhere on the CPW website either.
My guess.... They had too much negative response and shut it down.... That's how our game and fish work... And then they tell you 65% of the comments were favorable to what they proposed...