5 bulls left side, herd bull cows right side


New member
Sep 13, 2016
Last wknd we skoped up five bachelor bulls on north face drainage across from the five, were seven cows one big five point and a satellite three x four hanging way outside herd, all across from our position across canyon 878yds across. Wind super strong in our face from west, it's about 1400. We have tried years past exact same drainage two x now drop down in bottom and try wait em out to come down to water and call to no avail, so this time we drive one hour all way around above them, hike in and around north of big five, cows and satellite bull, wind at our backs, we coming in north and same level with them. We get within five hundred yards, we see elk, I drop back 100 yds, start cow call, big five starts our way, wind shifts hard from north and blows all elk out over ridges, both bachelor Bulls and big five, cows and satellite that was just above us.

So my question to all y'all, would you have done same risk as us, would you have waited longer, would you not have tried it at all and come back the next wknd...??

Like I said this is the third time exact same drainage scenario has happened to us. Any help be appreciated. We going back in three days to try again. Thanks. Happy hunting. Aim small
My thought is that you keep running into elk there BECAUSE the wind swirls.  The more they can smell, the more they feel secure.  I would try again, exact same way, hope wind doesn't shift.  A more conservative approach would be to follow the herd to where winds aren't so funky, and try again.  Either way, be persistent.  Good luck