<!-- m --><a class=\"postlink\" href=\"https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lEoXUvHXwLs\" onclick=\"window.open(this.href);return false;\">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lEoXUvHXwLs</a><!-- m -->
If you are a bit skwimmish, you may not want to open the video. The video is so bad I didn\'t watch it to the end. But it just shows what can go wrong.
These guys are supposed to know what they are doing and how to field dress an elk. However, there are a couple of mistakes I want to point out. If you watch closely you will notice that he sliced into one of the tenderloins. And then he punctured the bladder and got urine all over the place.
I haven\'t field dressed an elk since I quit guiding. We did it back then because we winched the entire elk onto a truck and took it to a nearby processor.
If the moderators choose to delete this post I\'ll understand why.
If you are a bit skwimmish, you may not want to open the video. The video is so bad I didn\'t watch it to the end. But it just shows what can go wrong.
These guys are supposed to know what they are doing and how to field dress an elk. However, there are a couple of mistakes I want to point out. If you watch closely you will notice that he sliced into one of the tenderloins. And then he punctured the bladder and got urine all over the place.
I haven\'t field dressed an elk since I quit guiding. We did it back then because we winched the entire elk onto a truck and took it to a nearby processor.
If the moderators choose to delete this post I\'ll understand why.