Advice on bow release


New member
Mar 31, 2014
Guys/gals - Can someone give me some advice on a good release? I want to go away from the velcro and try a buckle. Problem is I have small hands and wrists.
John I have small hands and wrists also. I like a double jawed release, as I find them easier to get a quick tune on my bows. I have both a Scott buckle release and a Cobra with Velcro. I prefer the Scott as the jaws are narrower and are quicker and easier to clamp onto a D loop. Cobra stands 100% behind their releases and work fine. I just like the Scott for the reasons mentioned.
I have a Tru-Ball release with velcro and I bought a Scott buckle release from Deertick.
The Scott is much smaller.
I still like the Tru-ball tho, probably just because I have had it for years.

Why dont you like the velcro?
I don\'t like velcro because it isn\'t as consistently fit as the buckle-type.

When I use the 4th buckle hole, I know, every time, that my release is on the same way.

My backup has velcro, and I just worry that there is a difference in where the strap is based on how tight/loose it is.

(In practice, I haven\'t noticed this to make any difference, though.)
Oh, and there is a nice small release in the classifieds (hint, hint). I pushed it toward the top.
\"cnelk\" said:
I have a Tru-Ball release with velcro and I bought a Scott buckle release from Deertick.
The Scott is much smaller.
I still like the Tru-ball tho, probably just because I have had it for years.

Why dont you like the velcro?
Too loud to take off. Like when I\'m in an elky area and I need to adjust.
There is no reason to get a new release if you like your old one and the Velcro is the only reason for replacement. Just simply remove the Velcro and replace it with a buckle system. If you don\'t want to tackle it, go to your local saddle shop and have them redo it.

Then again, I suppose you could always buy the Scott Itty Bitty that Deertick has for sale in the classifieds. It looks like a good one!
\">>>---WW---->\" said:
There is no reason to get a new release if you like your old one and the Velcro is the only reason for replacement. Just simply remove the Velcro and replace it with a buckle system. If you don\'t want to tackle it, go to your local saddle shop and have them redo it.

Then again, I suppose you could always buy the Scott Itty Bitty that Deertick has for sale in the classifieds. It looks like a good one!
My current release sucks all around.
i shoot a velcro release..i HATE the velcro because it is loud. i was told it isnt a coonsistent fit..but on me it is. i have slender wrist. i get to max out my velcro strap it is dead nuts consistent on me.

i have two of them..and i shoot most accurately with them. so i cant switch.

maybe next time when i swap to a lefty bow.
I use a velcro release. I just lap it to the same place each time. I feel it is easy to repeat and my shots are not effected. They are noisy but I am not adjusting it when near game. I put it on and wear it till I am back to camp and done hunting.
Just a word of caution in regard to a Velcro strap.... With time, the gripping strength of the Velcro can weaken. The very best shot I\'ve ever taken to my face with a fist was delivered by myself. Just about the time the cam on my bow should have broke over, the Velcro came \"un velcroed\" SHAZAM THAT HURT!ill never own another release with the sticky stuff! Buckle up or pay the price! Tru ball short & sweet for me.....with a buckle...
\"Buglemaster\" said:
Just a word of caution in regard to a Velcro strap.... With time, the gripping strength of the Velcro can weaken. The very best shot I\'ve ever taken to my face with a fist was delivered by myself. Just about the time the cam on my bow should have broke over, the Velcro came \"un velcroed\" SHAZAM THAT HURT!ill never own another release with the sticky stuff! Buckle up or pay the price! Tru ball short & sweet for me.....with a buckle...

Always wondered how your ugly mug got that way :haha:

My Carter with a Velcro is over ten years old and shows no signs of letting go. I have an identical backup one that is brand new and still in the package. It doesn\'t matter much if it is Velcro or buckle. That\'s just the way mine happen to come and I like the one I have.
I\'m shooting a Scott Wolf right now. I\'ve been shooting it for the last 6 months. It adjusts pretty short which is what I like in a release. Between my son and I we have shot about every release on the market. My two favorite are the one I just mentioned and the Spot Hogg Wise Guy (if you like a hook). I have used a lot of them and even interchanged parts off of different manufacturers and combined them to make a \"hybrid\" type release. Probably have to say you can\'t go wrong with anything in the Scott line up I usually end up going back to them.
The main thing to remember is get a good release. No WallyWorld JUNK!!!

Also, there are only two places for a release. On your wrist or on your bow. When I take a break or when I\'m through shooting for the day, I take my release off and strap it on the riser of my bow. I never lay it down or even put it in my pocket. If you make a habit of doing this, you\'ll never loose it.
Try a Carter and I promise you won\'t ever consider another release. They make it all and all top of the line. I swear I shot better as soon as I got my Carter Lucky. I like the hook style. It is the fastest to attach and you can practically do it without looking at your loop. You\'ll not be dissappointed!
Sorry, I missed this post before.

I have children size wrists and palms. I wear a woman\'s small glove and sometimes must buy youth gloves.

I bought the Scott Rhino XT NCS buckle and then had the archery shop order 2 Small size Scott wrist straps. I need the NCS because the rod design does not get short enough for my small palms.

The release comes with the Standard size strap. Scott makes 3 size wrist straps: Small, Standard, Large. For the small size, I use the 3rd hole from smallest adjustment. I always wear a thin merino wool glove for shooting. Without the glove, I would have to use the 2nd hole on the small size strap.

John, if you want to try the standard size NCS wrist strap, I can send you one that came with the release. I won\'t be using it. It is the Nylon connector buckle style. It could give you an idea of the size. PM me your address if you want it.

Their new lady\'s/youth releases: Fox & Hero, come with the small strap.
Thanks for the offer mtmutt, sorry didn\'t see that you updated this thread. :crazy:

My son and I picked up a couple of Scott Sharks. So far, they are as advertised.

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