Aging can be rough...

Baby Huey

New member
Apr 17, 2014
This will be a bit of a long post, but need something for us to read in the elk hunting off season!

Wasn\'t it great back in your 20\'s and 30\'s when your body was (or is for some of you) is at its peak physically? I hope some of you are still doing really well physically above your 40\'s, but for me, it is getting tougher and tougher as years pass by.

I used to be a pretty good athlete - MVP on a few teams soccer, my college FB team and a collegiate rugby league MVP. It was great when your body could do what your mind wanted it to do. The first time that the disconnected synergy between the two happened when I was in my early 30\'s, still trying to get a last shot at pro-football - albeit a lower league with the Colorado Crush. I was called back for a second tryout, but after training, I just couldn\'t do what I used to. The first hour of my training sessions would go well, and then the second hour I couldn\'t do physically what my mind wanted my body to do. I didn\'t go to the second tryout, as I didn\'t think my body would hold up.

Fast forward to today. I was able to get in the best shape I have been in for hunting this year (say from about the past 15 years), as I had a lot of helping I wanted to do for my family and friends on their hunts. I hired a trainer and really dialed in on my diet, core work and cardio to lose 15lbs. During hunting I felt incredible, and I thought that I could eat anything since I was in such good shape. Well, that didn\'t go to well as in a month and a half, I have gained back 12lbs and need to get back on the sustained awareness of what I am eating. I have a phone app (Lose It) now that my trainer showed me and it really helps in logging what I eat and has opened up my eyes as to what I am putting in my body, the \"nutrient\" information (fat, carb and protein intake), and how much calories I need. As I get older if I just look at a pile of chicken wings I gain 3 lbs! For me, I really need to watch what I eat going forward, as I don\'t have enough time in the day to

Then a few weeks ago after hunting my left heel was killing me in the gym and just walking. I stayed off it (no cardio and just upper body workouts) and it was starting to feeling better. But last weekend I ran some pass patterns for my youngest son with his quarterback coach and that made it flare up again. Had an X-Ray and met with a podiatrist and found that I have Achilles tendonitis and a small bone spur. It is a result of micro damage over years to where the Achilles tendon attaches to the bone. My body was trying to heal it, but scar tissue/bone spur formed over the years. It was caught early enough where I don\'t need surgery and I will perform the stretching assigned. I also have to wear a boot at night to keep my foot in a 90 degree position so that it stretches during the night for 3-8 weeks. All cardio is on hold for these 3-8 weeks, so that is a bummer and a big reason why I need to watch my diet much more as mentioned above. I think part of my tendonitis problem is that I have some Abby Normal calves and I just don\'t lift them anymore as they are big enough. But, since I haven\'t been stretching my calves out for many years, I think that added to this problem. The doc believes that if I do the stretching and the boot therapy at night, I will be back in the saddle in a few weeks.

So, I went in for that left heel problem, but the doc found another issue on my right foot. I have a mole on the bottom of my foot (1st bad indicator) that is differently colored from one side to the other (2nd bad indicator). On the bottom of the foot and discoloration are two indicators for possible signs of melanoma, so we took a biopsy. Doc said if the lab calls him in 1-2 days it is not a good sign, if not then he will get the biopsy report in 7-10 days and likely not melanoma. So, I will wait and see. Man, that biopsy was interesting - numbing agent and then a device like a single hole punch for a core sample. Didn\'t hurt last night as a result of the numbing agent, but man I could barely walk on that thing this morning. Now I have two bad wheels! I\'ll see the doc in another 3 weeks - or sooner based on the biopsy results.

It sucks when your body starts to break down, especially when one still wants to do activities - like backpack style hunting elk - which is a pretty rigorous activity. I\'ll adjust my eating and workout habits (already started) to gain some longevity so that I can continue to go hunting and fishing - as well as run around with my two boys.

Just a reminder to take care of your body so that we can do what we cherish - how is everyone else holding up - what are your stories?
That sure sucks.

Me? 51.
Pretty active, eat pretty good.
But while out in Neb last month, I was moving a 20\' ladder stand [by myself] from one tree to another one pretty close.
Well it kinda got away from me and I tried to hang on.
Not so smart...
Cant harldy lift my left arm now, aches and painful

I start some PT on it this afternoon...
Brad, that\'s too bad - hopefully the PT will get you back in business. By the way, how is your hand doing from your injury a while ago?

preaching to the choir!!

for me, it is my vision. i have to wear reading glasses, so surgery is not an option to correct anything. i wear them now. boy, i took my vision for granted. now? tying a d-loop, or doing anything on my bow. GAH!! mountain bike mechanics..GAH!! opening my darn gun safe??? i sometimes wear a headlamp AND my reading glasses.

foot pain is a distant second. i had an attack of GOUT (btw, nobody thinks they can get gout. and a gout attack is a symptom of a flare up..if you have gout, it can be painless and silently doing joint damage..yippee!) but i hear you on foot pain. did they inject your foot from the top of the foot? i had something cut off the sole of my foot too. they injected a long needle from the top of my foot, thru the entire foot and numbed it from the other side. he said they couldnt tie me down tight enough to inject from the bottom.

good luck. eat celery sticks..not moving, i balloon up like a fat tick.
\"Baby Huey\" said:
Brad, that\'s too bad - hopefully the PT will get you back in business. By the way, how is your hand dong from your injury a while ago?

It will be 3 years ago next week since cutting 8 tendons in my right hand.
I lost ~20% of range in my fingers [mostly index and middle]

The biggest difficulties I have is I cant lift my index finger when taking a photo on a camera or when using a fishing reel, I cant use the index finger to grab the line to cast.

It has become a great weather predictor tho!

I sure dont miss wearing this!

Cliff, That is rough with your vision. Is Lasik out of the question? I need to look into that as well, as I wear contacts and would like to stop wearing them/glasses. But, I have nowhere near the vision problems you are having - man that sucks. Everyone I know that has had Lasik wishes they had done it much earlier. Seems like it would be tough for you at low light looking at your bow pins and animals?

Man, I hear you on the gout. I had an attack a couple of years ago - I thought I broke my big toe! I\'ll have to disagree with it being painless - that is about the worst pain I have ever had - just above pulling my hamstring! I tried all kinds of things with different diet, but I was just getting fat on a \"gout friendly\" diet. Ended up seeing a rheumatologist and tracked what I was eating and drinking. In the end I cut out beer and have never had another attack. I gladly give up beer than to have to deal with that horrendous gout pain.

I can\'t believe going in from the top of the foot with that needle would be less painful! That sounds much more painful than the bottom. I did have to prep myself and I think I could have bit through a wooden spoon when the doc stuck that needle in the arch of my foot!

Brad, glad you are doing that well with the hand! When you posted the pics of your injury, it looked bleak to ever get healed to that percentage your are at now, but happy you are at where you are. So, are you a baitcaster bass fisherman now?!
\"Baby Huey\" said:
Cliff, That is rough with your vision. Is Lasik out of the question? I need to look into that as well, as I wear contacts and would like to stop wearing them/glasses. But, I have nowhere near the vision problems you are having - man that sucks. Everyone I know that has had Lasik wishes they had done it much earlier.

Roman, I am another one of those who wishes I had done Lasik earlier. Best $400 I have ever spent. I couldn\'t believe how cheap it was! Used to be thousands of dollars, but I guess there\'s enough demand to justify the costs. That is only a couple of years worth of the cost of contacts or glasses. Do it, you won\'t regret it!
i hear you guys. 44, knees are shot, dont recover well from work outs or hunting hard and worst of all i cant get rid of the belly fat no matter what i do. getting older is not for sissys.
Roman. That\'s just it. There is gout and there is a gout attack. Gout can be silent. My doc said a person can have gout for years before the first flare up. Man those flares are the worst pain. Heard only passing a stone is worse for men.

Glad it is behind me. I was crippled.

And thank goodness for stylish reading glasses. We all get there eventually.

Sent via Jedi mind trick.
You youngsters are funny! I wish I was still in the getting old period! I have arrived. Climbing down out of the stand tonight was painful! There is definitely knee replacement in my future. Two bad knees, (too many years of basketball) arthritis, and a bad back (frozen to the ground feed bunk didn\'t move) make for some uncomfortable times when there is physical exertion. I\'m wondering when I will have to graduate to ground blinds for deer and sitting water holes exclusively for elk.
You guys can depress a person. I am 47 now and have been fit with maybe a few extra pounds. I gain 5-7 in the winter but loose it come summer. I have always kept it in my mind to stay in good enough shape to continue hunting into my 70s. Then I will move on to an easier sport like fishing. I am constantly working usually from sunrise to sunset. I have taken vitamins for the last 20 years. I stopped pop 15 years ago. I don\'t really drink much at all. I eat healthy most of the week and might splurge on the weekend a little. I weighed in this morning at 171.8 which is 2 lbs lighter than when I started hunting this fall. :)

My 2016 hunt I plan on being in even better shape than last year. I have started to work on some targeted areas as of October. I do 300 pushups daily and 200 lunges with some added weight. I chose lunges verses squats because I don\'t want to bend the knees past 90 degrees. Too hard on them like running and sports. I also do a lot more stretching lately to help keep things more flexible. :train:

For you that are still young. Think about the future. How do you want to live your life. Take care of your body if you want it to keep working for you. :think:
I cant help feeling depressed after reading this..... it seems I don\'t have much to look forward to :lol:
I was just starting to get into the insanity routine with the wife, now I picked up this stinking cold. so it will be a few days before I am willing to go at it again.... I am still doing my situps and pushups.
yesterday I was a 173 :train:
Haha. Sorry Z

I\'m in good shape really. I\'m just working on a nice body patina. I can out hike my much younger friends. Punks. But they have helped me read a menu. Punks!

I\'m honored to be jamming thru life.

Sent via Jedi mind trick.
\"zpd307\" said:
yesterday I was a 173 :train:

Your doing great Gary. It is easier to keep it off than have to lose it. Keep up the exercise and maybe you will be able to keep up with me next year. :lol:
I\'m learning to stretch. I\'m not at the yoga level but I\'m learning the importance of flexibility.

Sent via Jedi mind trick.
\"bowhunter\" said:
\"zpd307\" said:
yesterday I was a 173 :train:

Your doing great Gary. It is easier to keep it off than have to lose it. Keep up the exercise and maybe you will be able to keep up with me next year. :lol:
I am hoping so..... that\'s why I was starting to do insanity with the wife! in the back of my mind, take that terry :lol:
I almost got a complete insanity work out done tonight! its too early to be going balls to the wall just yet.....
Good news - the biopsy on my foot came back benign, so I\'m pretty happy about that. Now I just have to work on letting my Achilles tendonitis heal up - another 5 weeks with no cardio :x . The Thanksgiving feast we had helped pack on some more pounds.
Geeeeees! What a bunch of wimps on here :wtf: Just wait until you (DO) get old. I consider it a gift to wake up every morning with aches and pain all over. It lets me know I\'m still alive. :D
It sounds like you guys really have it bad alright. I am sure glad I am not even close to getting old.

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