This will be a bit of a long post, but need something for us to read in the elk hunting off season!
Wasn\'t it great back in your 20\'s and 30\'s when your body was (or is for some of you) is at its peak physically? I hope some of you are still doing really well physically above your 40\'s, but for me, it is getting tougher and tougher as years pass by.
I used to be a pretty good athlete - MVP on a few teams soccer, my college FB team and a collegiate rugby league MVP. It was great when your body could do what your mind wanted it to do. The first time that the disconnected synergy between the two happened when I was in my early 30\'s, still trying to get a last shot at pro-football - albeit a lower league with the Colorado Crush. I was called back for a second tryout, but after training, I just couldn\'t do what I used to. The first hour of my training sessions would go well, and then the second hour I couldn\'t do physically what my mind wanted my body to do. I didn\'t go to the second tryout, as I didn\'t think my body would hold up.
Fast forward to today. I was able to get in the best shape I have been in for hunting this year (say from about the past 15 years), as I had a lot of helping I wanted to do for my family and friends on their hunts. I hired a trainer and really dialed in on my diet, core work and cardio to lose 15lbs. During hunting I felt incredible, and I thought that I could eat anything since I was in such good shape. Well, that didn\'t go to well as in a month and a half, I have gained back 12lbs and need to get back on the sustained awareness of what I am eating. I have a phone app (Lose It) now that my trainer showed me and it really helps in logging what I eat and has opened up my eyes as to what I am putting in my body, the \"nutrient\" information (fat, carb and protein intake), and how much calories I need. As I get older if I just look at a pile of chicken wings I gain 3 lbs! For me, I really need to watch what I eat going forward, as I don\'t have enough time in the day to
Then a few weeks ago after hunting my left heel was killing me in the gym and just walking. I stayed off it (no cardio and just upper body workouts) and it was starting to feeling better. But last weekend I ran some pass patterns for my youngest son with his quarterback coach and that made it flare up again. Had an X-Ray and met with a podiatrist and found that I have Achilles tendonitis and a small bone spur. It is a result of micro damage over years to where the Achilles tendon attaches to the bone. My body was trying to heal it, but scar tissue/bone spur formed over the years. It was caught early enough where I don\'t need surgery and I will perform the stretching assigned. I also have to wear a boot at night to keep my foot in a 90 degree position so that it stretches during the night for 3-8 weeks. All cardio is on hold for these 3-8 weeks, so that is a bummer and a big reason why I need to watch my diet much more as mentioned above. I think part of my tendonitis problem is that I have some Abby Normal calves and I just don\'t lift them anymore as they are big enough. But, since I haven\'t been stretching my calves out for many years, I think that added to this problem. The doc believes that if I do the stretching and the boot therapy at night, I will be back in the saddle in a few weeks.
So, I went in for that left heel problem, but the doc found another issue on my right foot. I have a mole on the bottom of my foot (1st bad indicator) that is differently colored from one side to the other (2nd bad indicator). On the bottom of the foot and discoloration are two indicators for possible signs of melanoma, so we took a biopsy. Doc said if the lab calls him in 1-2 days it is not a good sign, if not then he will get the biopsy report in 7-10 days and likely not melanoma. So, I will wait and see. Man, that biopsy was interesting - numbing agent and then a device like a single hole punch for a core sample. Didn\'t hurt last night as a result of the numbing agent, but man I could barely walk on that thing this morning. Now I have two bad wheels! I\'ll see the doc in another 3 weeks - or sooner based on the biopsy results.
It sucks when your body starts to break down, especially when one still wants to do activities - like backpack style hunting elk - which is a pretty rigorous activity. I\'ll adjust my eating and workout habits (already started) to gain some longevity so that I can continue to go hunting and fishing - as well as run around with my two boys.
Just a reminder to take care of your body so that we can do what we cherish - how is everyone else holding up - what are your stories?
Wasn\'t it great back in your 20\'s and 30\'s when your body was (or is for some of you) is at its peak physically? I hope some of you are still doing really well physically above your 40\'s, but for me, it is getting tougher and tougher as years pass by.
I used to be a pretty good athlete - MVP on a few teams soccer, my college FB team and a collegiate rugby league MVP. It was great when your body could do what your mind wanted it to do. The first time that the disconnected synergy between the two happened when I was in my early 30\'s, still trying to get a last shot at pro-football - albeit a lower league with the Colorado Crush. I was called back for a second tryout, but after training, I just couldn\'t do what I used to. The first hour of my training sessions would go well, and then the second hour I couldn\'t do physically what my mind wanted my body to do. I didn\'t go to the second tryout, as I didn\'t think my body would hold up.
Fast forward to today. I was able to get in the best shape I have been in for hunting this year (say from about the past 15 years), as I had a lot of helping I wanted to do for my family and friends on their hunts. I hired a trainer and really dialed in on my diet, core work and cardio to lose 15lbs. During hunting I felt incredible, and I thought that I could eat anything since I was in such good shape. Well, that didn\'t go to well as in a month and a half, I have gained back 12lbs and need to get back on the sustained awareness of what I am eating. I have a phone app (Lose It) now that my trainer showed me and it really helps in logging what I eat and has opened up my eyes as to what I am putting in my body, the \"nutrient\" information (fat, carb and protein intake), and how much calories I need. As I get older if I just look at a pile of chicken wings I gain 3 lbs! For me, I really need to watch what I eat going forward, as I don\'t have enough time in the day to
Then a few weeks ago after hunting my left heel was killing me in the gym and just walking. I stayed off it (no cardio and just upper body workouts) and it was starting to feeling better. But last weekend I ran some pass patterns for my youngest son with his quarterback coach and that made it flare up again. Had an X-Ray and met with a podiatrist and found that I have Achilles tendonitis and a small bone spur. It is a result of micro damage over years to where the Achilles tendon attaches to the bone. My body was trying to heal it, but scar tissue/bone spur formed over the years. It was caught early enough where I don\'t need surgery and I will perform the stretching assigned. I also have to wear a boot at night to keep my foot in a 90 degree position so that it stretches during the night for 3-8 weeks. All cardio is on hold for these 3-8 weeks, so that is a bummer and a big reason why I need to watch my diet much more as mentioned above. I think part of my tendonitis problem is that I have some Abby Normal calves and I just don\'t lift them anymore as they are big enough. But, since I haven\'t been stretching my calves out for many years, I think that added to this problem. The doc believes that if I do the stretching and the boot therapy at night, I will be back in the saddle in a few weeks.
So, I went in for that left heel problem, but the doc found another issue on my right foot. I have a mole on the bottom of my foot (1st bad indicator) that is differently colored from one side to the other (2nd bad indicator). On the bottom of the foot and discoloration are two indicators for possible signs of melanoma, so we took a biopsy. Doc said if the lab calls him in 1-2 days it is not a good sign, if not then he will get the biopsy report in 7-10 days and likely not melanoma. So, I will wait and see. Man, that biopsy was interesting - numbing agent and then a device like a single hole punch for a core sample. Didn\'t hurt last night as a result of the numbing agent, but man I could barely walk on that thing this morning. Now I have two bad wheels! I\'ll see the doc in another 3 weeks - or sooner based on the biopsy results.
It sucks when your body starts to break down, especially when one still wants to do activities - like backpack style hunting elk - which is a pretty rigorous activity. I\'ll adjust my eating and workout habits (already started) to gain some longevity so that I can continue to go hunting and fishing - as well as run around with my two boys.
Just a reminder to take care of your body so that we can do what we cherish - how is everyone else holding up - what are your stories?