Annual "What Week in September" Thread


New member
Mar 2, 2014
A perennial favorite topic to love or hate or both ...

What week of September is best for what type of hunting?

Here\'s my situation: hunting southern Wyoming ... I\'ll be in a new area ... I\'ll have ample time to count ... I\'ll be hunting with two men, father and 18 year old son, both excellent hunters but not experienced with elk, and both looking for \"any elk\".

Early: less pressure, though maybe still plenty of people ... Lone bulls, warmer and I have a couple of water holes in mind.

Later: more bugling to help find bulls ... But more hunters, too.

How do YOU decide and why? It\'s getting time to schedule vacation.
Here in Colorado, I\'ve been there every week of the season at one time or another. My pick hands down is the week with the 15th in there somewhere. If I can\'t hear bugling, I feel disappointed. Ya, they bugle early, but not with the same intensity as a little later on. For a weeks hunt, if it was doable I\'d pick 9/12-9/17.JMO.
I am learning towards earlier than later.
I can chase bugles in the morning and set up on water or wallows in the afternoon.

If I draw this year and only had 1 week to hunt it would be the 4th-10th.

The hunting pressure is less, there are still talking elk, and I already have elk somewhat pegged to a certain spot.
Come the rut time, all bets are off!
Im just a lucky, not very good elk hunter.
I need all the help I can get, so I like to go early to trick the unpressured elk with my sub-par calling.
My \'annual\' trip is going to remain my rifle hunt, at least for this year. With that being said, I will be more of a weekend warrior this year. The good thing about that is I will be able to hunt early, mid, and late season. I\'m looking forward to figuring out my preference.
I prefer the early season as the big herd bulls are roaming around looking for cows ! They are not bugling as much but believe me they will come into a good cold calling set up !! Just sit in one spot for an hour and do some cow/herd talk every couple minutes ! Throw in the odd lipbawl bugle and then wait.

The biggest bulls can be had early before the pressure even starts !!

This question comes up every year. But for me, any time spent in the elk woods is the right time.
OK, alright, settle down ...

I know -- \"Same thread every year\" ...

Well, there\'s a reason for that! It\'s interesting!

Why choose early, middle, or late?
\"Deertick\" said:
OK, alright, settle down ...

I know -- \"Same thread every year\" ...

Well, there\'s a reason for that! It\'s interesting!

Why choose early, middle, or late?

As stated, early because:

- Less pressure
- Animals IMO are more manageable
- Bulls are seeking cows
- Bulls are still vocal
- Generally warmer, so water and wallows pay off
For me as a tree stand hunter, I prefer the first week when things are hot and dry. I sit on trails that converge at a water hole. The second best time is the last week when the elk are more on the move during the day. I think a lot like cnelk on this. I make up for lack of ability with more time in the woods.

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