Another GPS question

Lark Bunting

New member
Sep 14, 2016
I am looking for a GPS unit. I am wondering if a GPS with a micro sd slot is an absolute must have. I can get an etrex 10 used for $40-$50...but it doesn\'t have a card slot. The etrex 20 is about $125-$150 used but has the card slot. Sure the topo and hunting maps would be nice to have eventually but i\'m on a super tight budget and still need a range finder and a few other things before this fall. I have $125 to spend on a GPS right now but at this time I only need one to get me and my son back to camp after dark.

I could get the cheaper etrex 10 and still have enough for a Bushnell Yardage Pro 450. Or, i could keep saving and possibly have the nicer etrex 20 and wait on the range finder.

The Etrex will get you in and back. Just learn how to use it and you will be fine.
My fav GPS is older than the Etrex
Like Brad said you can get by just fine without the maps preloaded. I had a older one when I started hunting out west also. With GE and other mapping options you can preload way points before you head out to hunt. Before I went out I had waypoints in my GPS and the waypoints marked on my maps or arial photos so I could look at the map and punch in the waypoint I wanted to go to.
I\'m with Francis on this one. I used the etrex the first few years I was out here.

While I do carry a GPS these days I rarely turn it on. Usually to grab a way point or verify my location during a break.

I usually print out a map on waterproof paper. One side with topo, the other is aerial.
same here. I have an older gps just to make sure I can get back to camp if I get into an area that I don\'t know. grabbing way points along the way. I use it more for elevation than anything. I also print google earth maps to show me the terrain that I am looking to get into.
Get on Ebay! They have some great deals on GPS. Especially the older models. These are brand new/in the box units.

I\'d be sure to get one with the micro SD slot. You are eventually going to end up with one anyhow. Might as well do it now! The Legend HCX or Vista HCX are a couple of good ones that will do just about anything you want one to do and won\'t break the bank. Couple that with a micro SD chip from and you are good to go.
I\'m looking at a good-used-condition Vista HCX tonight. It comes with a lot of accessories, for $100.

Prepare yourselves for all the stupid questions from a new GPS owner. :twisted:
The first thing is to determine what coordinate setting you want to use.
I I like Decimal Degrees or UTM
When you do virtual scouting on GE, set that the same so when you find a spot, you can enter those coordinates right into the GPS.

Decimal degrees is basically Lat/Long

UTM is Universal Transverse Mercator and is basically meters in Northing/Easting

I know, it sounds like gibberish, but its not that bad.

Fire away with your questions
lark, im kinda goin against the grain here. i like my sd slot an out a chip in for maps. although, i rarely turn mine on either, but its sure nice to look at property boundaries with the chip. with that said, im not sure where you live, but the local sportsmans warehouse here in loveland has gps seminars often, an i think i saw they were having one this weekend. if your close give em a call an get signed up. looks like alot of good info, an free
\"bnsafe\" said:
lark, im kinda goin against the grain here. i like my sd slot an out a chip in for maps. although, i rarely turn mine on either, but its sure nice to look at property boundaries with the chip. with that said, im not sure where you live, but the local sportsmans warehouse here in loveland has gps seminars often, an i think i saw they were having one this weekend. if your close give em a call an get signed up. looks like alot of good info, an free
I got the Vista HCX tonight and it has the card slot. :mrgreen:

I am doing a factory reset now...waiting the 30 minutes to acquire satellites. Once I get back from softball tonight i\'ll look into local classes at Cabela\'s since it\'s close to Castle Rock.

Only issue with this device is the battery corrosion from the previous owner leaving batteries in it. I scraped it out and lightly sanded the terminals though.

Can\'t wait to figure this thing out.
If you need one today then buy what you can afford, if you have time to wait and save then do so. I started with a little etrex, then bought a garmn map60csx and love it then bought a delorme for the aerial photos. Now i set camp in the 60 and put it in my pack turned off i use the delorme for hunting and marking if something would happen to the delorme then i have a back up....if something happens to the back up i have a hope i don\'t have to use that sucker its been a while.

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