Antelope \'Wingman\' - Success!


New member
Mar 23, 2017
You could say that Im looking forward to this Saturday.
I will be heading up to Wyoming to be Deertick\'s \'Wingman\' in hopes to watch him fill his antelope doe tag.

I haven ever been antelope hunting so this is something very new!

Just what does an antelope hunter\'s \'wingman\' do anyway? :)
it starts with him packing the equipment around. then he cleans the animal an packs it out, then fixes lunch an does the dishes.
Funny guys.... :)

here is the last time I was a \'Wingman\'.

This was a day or so after I shot my moose in 2009, Matt and I spotted some ducks and he wanted to blast some...

that brought back alot of memories of shooting small ponds. an i couldnt help but think that prob 200 years ago some mountain man was walking around that same area prob doing the same thing. very cool.
Get ready to walk a LOT! Key chore goes something like this \"See that goat about a mile out Brad?\" \"Yeah, I can barely make it out\". \"Well, I\'m going to walk 100 yards over to this scrub brush for cover and I think if you were to walk down that back canyon, over the 2 draws and creek we crossed this morning you should be able to get behind them and push one to me.\" \"So, why you still standing here? It\'ll be dark in about 4 hours so you\'d better get going!\"

Or, go back and watch Top Gun!!
No idea but it sounds like fun. Can\'t be that hard, those goats aren\'t very big so packing one out won\'t be a big chore. No matter what it consists of at least you\'re in a western state getting to some big game, I miss Colorado.
If you want to see what an antelope sees. Look through a 7X scope. That\'s why they see you so easily.
The antelope \'Wingman\' did his job.
Deeertick filled both his doe tags today.

Pics, movies and story to come soon
The day started with breakfast at Deerticks house and off we went to the prairie of Wyoming


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After a 30 min drive, we arrive at the ranch he has permission to hunt.
Upon parking, this is what we see


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We unload the ATVs and off we go for a few miles


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