Any Colorado Pheasant hunters?

Lark Bunting

New member
Sep 14, 2016
I\'ve been out the last two years and have had pretty good luck in finding pheasant. Unfortunately, the birds always flush to the opposite end of the line I\'m in. :( Two years ago I was with five guys walking lines through the fields and if I was on the right, they\'d flush left, If I was on the left, they\'d flush right. We saw 11 roosters that day and I never fired my gun.

Last year we only saw 8 roosters all day but again, never anything in \"my\" shooting lane.

This year, I\'m taking only my son. I figure we might not see as many birds with a smaller group but we should have shooting opportunities. I\'m determined to have to clean some birds and my gun this year!!! :mrgreen: :lol:

Anyone else pheasant hunt in Colorado?
I like your plan. :upthumb: At least only you and your son will be shooting birds. :D As long as the birds hold tight till you get in range. Hope for a little wind noise and push into the wind. I hate calm quiet days. The birds hear you coming and will run way ahead if they even do get up they are way out of range.

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