Anyone bring satellite phones to the elk woods?



The one thing left to add to my gear pile is a satellite phone. Does anyone have experience with these? Any advice to avoid breaking the bank? I heard that you can actually rent them, which might be a good option...
I haven't used one yet, but will likely take one this year as the area I hunt has zero cell reception.  I have used "Spot Connect" in the past, however this is outgoing only.  I did have preset messages that I discussed with my wife in the event I was injured when hunting solo.

You can find "lightly" used SatPhones on craigslist, or ebay from time to time.  There aren't many good plans if you are just planning to use it for your hunt.  However if your wife wants you to contact her every two or three days when you are in the BackCountry,,,,,,,Priceless!
I use to rent satellite phones for about a week and it ran about $170 after it was all said and done (extra batterie, phone minutes, shipping, etc). I ended up buying a Delorme InReach SE for $299. I get the freedom plan (unlimited text) and then suspend my subscription after a month. I figure after about 3 years I'm about even $. You can sync it to your smartphone and download an app so it's easy texting and comes with its own gps. The battery life lasts me the whole week on one charge. I do shut it down when I'm not texting.

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