Archery hunting during rifle season? Leftover cow tags.

Lark Bunting

New member
Sep 14, 2016
I see a unit I am very interested in hunting. It has over 100 leftover cow elk tags for second rifle season, 10/18 - 10/26. As an archery hunter (I don\'t own any hunting rifles yet) would I be wasting my time? Is calling pretty much over by then? Seems with the late rut I might have a chance but I don\'t want to waste the time or money if they are done talking.

There is a big part of me that feels as if I\'m not done hunting this year.

There is also a big part of me that had so much fun this archery season that I don\'t want to spoil it by stretching the season unnecessarily.

I still have pheasant in November, and thinking about doing a spring turkey hunt.

Lark, in all the years I have rifle hunted, I have very rarely ever herd the animals still talking like they are during archery season. If they are, typically a couple of booms from a rifle will make them shut up pretty quick. Having said that, why not still hunt? It would be an opportunity to learn even more and spend more time in the woods. Maybe try some different tactics outside of calling (stand hunting, ambushing, etc). Plus, it\'ll give you an opportunity to learn another new area, which never hurts! Go for it!!!!
I would go for it if the tag wasn\'t expensive. The only thing is shooting a cow. I have a goal of shooting a bull with at least 5 points. That would be painful if I was trying to hunt for a cow and had a big bull walk in bow range. That would be my luck!!!! :lolno:

Seriously, I wished I was back out there hunting something. I\'m not in the WT mood and it should start getting good here in a few weeks and I could care less. I think elk hunting has changed my whole thought process. Go for it, it\'s not like you would be missing out on hunting something else.
Seriously, some of you need to realize you don\'t need to hear elk, or call them in to get close to them.

Yes, get the tag, and learn how to hunt them without hearing, or calling them. Enjoy the hunt.

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