Archery Tips & Tricks


Jul 10, 2017
As a follow up/shout out to Andrew\'s (EyeEyeCaptain) post on another thread, I wanted to start a thread with some \'quick tips\' that you have learned over the years regarding archery that might help others. What\'s the best tip or trick you have picked up over the years?
take some serving cord and do that end serving thing over a portion of the riser. that way you have a stash of cord to fix the pull cord on the drop away.

i mark everything. usually with a carpenter pencil. where the cable crosses the cams, where my rest is, where my drawstops are, etc. i use a silver sharpie and mark the string where my peep is and the d-loop is. crazy how the lead pencil stays visible for so long. i sometimes refresh the marks. i dont like sharpie on the cams and hard bits.

and i ALWAYS clip my release to the riser. ALWAYS. they need to be together anyways. get back to the tent, clip it. put it in the truck clip it. i have a friend that puts it in his pack, his glovebox, etc. he waste so much time searching for it.
Cliff hit it, but I always tie my release to my limbs and have a spare in my pack!!!!!!

Another tip..... always inspect your arrow before firing!
If you want to see the damage a broken carbon arrow can do to your hand.... google it..
Tape or tie a Goose down feather to your top limb for checking windage.

Keep those 1 or 2 allen wrenches needed for sights and such in your backpack. I\'ve gotten in a stand and heard something rattle with only my fingers to try and tighten up a screw.

Play the thermals(not just for archery). As the sun comes up, the thermals will push/pull wind up to higher elevation and just opposite in the evening. Been busted when getting a late start in the morning and scent gets up the hill before us!
Shoot far shots.

Even if your limiting yourself to a closer animal shot, practice the \"long-ball\". It makes a close shot a mindless lay up.

Sent via Jedi mind trick.
I shoot multiple pins.
Once I get all 5 sighted in, I measure the distance between each pin and write it down and put it in my tool kit or bow case.

That way if something happens to my sights, all I have to do is sight in my 20 pin, and measure the others from that one.

\"cnelk\" said:
I shoot multiple pins.
Once I get all 5 sighted in, I measure the distance between each pin and write it down and put it in my tool kit or bow case.

That way if something happens to my sights, all I have to do is sight in my 20 pin, and measure the others from that one.


I like this idea. :upthumb:
You could do what I used to do and only use the top pin... :D :D

You can have all the fancy stuff, fastest bow, ultimate arrow and super sharp broad head and none of that makes any difference if you can\'t draw and make the shot... So I would say learn how and when to draw and be able to do it quickly and quietly in every situation you can come up with and then a few... :upthumb: :upthumb:
always keep your arrows handy when you are in the woods, even if your just walkin in. my cousin had a nice bull at 40 yds broadside and his arrows was in a backpack quiver and he couldnt get to one. was in a area he wasnt plannin on seein a elk.
Two buddies were stalking a hog. One guy leading. Second guy had an arrow nocked and loaded. They came to a sudden stop. Second guy walked into first guy and gently pushed the broadhead into the guys love handle. Lead guy didn\'t even feel it. Guy number two had to tap him and awkwardly tell him he was cut.

Don\'t be those guys. :)

Sent via Jedi mind trick.

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