Are We In Too Big Of A Hurry?


New member
Mar 4, 2014
We live in a hurry up world where every thing is done on time. Even our hunting time is bargained for and measured out. We often plan a year ahead for just a week off. Much of our hunting time is used to mentor the next generation of hunters. Most hunters get a slot of time, and maybe a weekend or two as a bonus, if they are lucky. Hunting time is so limited, we often rush right out headlong into our hunting area. Does that limit on our time, and the need to get-er-done quickly hinder our efforts, or focus us on the priority at hand? Does it make us a better hunter or poorer?
Would we hunt differently if we could go out like a few hunters did in the very early 1900s, and be gone a couple of months?
If time was not a major constraint, what would you do differently?
I have a friend that lives smack dab in prime hog country. He is so successful because he can put in the time just by heading out the door. I know this applies to all game animals.

Opportunity and familiarity of an area is a powerful combo.
Let\'s just put it this way:

I can\'t wait until I\'m retired, and can relax during elk season, instead of after it!
Would definitely hunt differently if I had more time. Wouldn\'t force so many things during the hunt. When you only have a a few days to get it done, you can\'t be as patient about everything.

Unfortunately for me, it\'s not necessarily being in a hurry as much as it is a short season. The only thing that would change for me if I could dedicate as much time as possible would be more scouting trips and maybe getting to my hunting area a few more days ahead of time so I could spend more time finding the elk.
I can\'t hunt for two months. About all the time I take is 35 days, plus scouting time well before the season. Still, I don\'t get blisters on my feet or eat freeze dried mystery slime out of a plastic sack. :D Probably the biggest difference between being retired and having to punch a time card is in the way I can approach hunting. I am just as serious as ever, but I can absorb more of the experience and live the moment.
I say that time makes a huge difference..... I do feel rushed in my 10 days of available hunting.
I think it matters some if you are hunting a area you know well or if you are going to a new spot that you have never set foot on before. I am able to hunt for two weeks each year. This last year I did not see a elk till the evening of the 7th day when I shot my bull. I was starting to get a little nervous but I know the area well and knew where the elk traveled and bedded so I was confident I could still have a opportunity. I think if this was a area that I did not know I probably would have been pushing it harder.
\"F M\" said:
I think it matters some if you are hunting a area you know well or if you are going to a new spot that you have never set foot on before. I am able to hunt for two weeks each year. This last year I did not see a elk till the evening of the 7th day when I shot my bull. I was starting to get a little nervous but I know the area well and knew where the elk traveled and bedded so I was confident I could still have a opportunity. I think if this was a area that I did not know I probably would have been pushing it harder.

Great point true.
I would say the more time you can spend in the woods the better the hunter you will become. But with that said, I think having limited time can actually make you a more effective hunter. With limited time to hunt, I think a lot of guys take the hunt more seriously. Personally, when I have limited time to hunt, I spend more time looking at maps before the season begins (my wife would tell you that isn\'t possible). I also don\'t waste time on spots that don\'t have good elk numbers. I\'m \"all business\" so to speak. However, given the option, I would always choose more time in the woods.
Andy, it sounds like you hunt smarter and harder when time is limited. I think that is true for many of us. I expect to have the whole season this year to hunt elk. I hope to hunt smarter and stay as persistent as in the past. I do not want to rush around and mess up my hunts, but to increase my flexibility.