Are you \'Lucky\' or \'Good\'?

Lucky or Good?

  • Lucky

    Votes: 2 66.7%
  • Good

    Votes: 1 33.3%

  • Total voters


New member
Mar 23, 2017
A fun poll...

Does \'Luck\' play a bigger role than being \'Good\' for you?

Or are you \'Good\' and \'Luck\' comes in second place?
I feel that I\'m good at this little game we play. I also know, and have been told by more than one that I\'m one of the luckiest hunters to play the game. Yep that\'s it! I\'m good....and lucky! :wave:
Im going with \'Lucky\'
Many, many times I have told myself, \'Whew! That was Lucky!\'
\"zpd307\" said:
\"Still Hunter\" said:
I\'m neither. I just work hard for what I get.
i have worked hard so far, and havent been lucky....

If you were lucky you wouldn\'t have to work hard. Are you saying you work hard, and don\'t get anything?

Maybe you need to work harder?

I can\'t even get one damn number in Powerball, so I know i\'m not lucky. I kill critters though, and I could never admit i\'m good. So, i\'m going with hard work.
pete. you are right. i work hard and havent got anything. so... i plan on working harder! i havent researched it this much yet, or searched the right things yet, until now. also, i havent exercised this much this early so far..... so, hopefully even harder work will pay off this year. since i am obviously not lucky...
I have worked long and hard to minimize the luck factor. It is always there in one form or another, but it can be brought down to a point where you can reasonably predict a successful conclusion to your hunting season, if you do not reach out too far so to speak. I am no Jacuomo or WW or anyone of several excellent hunters here. I am a Swede and I know what works for me.
Well I wish I was a \'Swede\' :)

I have been at this for quite a while now, but I know I still have a long way to go to be Good enough to get Lucky enough ;)
I think I am Lucky. Shot my last bull walking in on the hiking trail 200 yds from the trailhead on the first full day of hunting. My success % is 75. BUT, I work hard and study (obsessed) all year, so that might help my odds, kinda like playing roulette and covering as many numbers as possible in the off season. I just don\'t see myself hunting much differently than the guys I hunt with that aren\'t successful. Same area, same tactics, same shooting ability, etc., so they REALLY think I\'m lucky, and kind of and a-hole. :D
Swede\'s post is spot on for me. I work way to hard in order achieve success to call it luck.
I\"m so damn lucky I can taste it! I\'m healthy and my mind is good and I get to chase my passion of hunting every year whether I harvest anything or not. Now whats better than that?
\"archery bum\" said:
I\"m so damn lucky I can taste it! I\'m healthy and my mind is good and I get to chase my passion of hunting every year whether I harvest anything or not. Now whats better than that?

Elk meat. Maybe not better, but it\'s close.
with elk? sadly, i really dont know.

i\'ve taken a decent bull with a rifle. but i want one BAD with a bow.

lucky? i think luck comes into play with the draw. i\'ve been unlucky thus far. i draw that tag..i hope i can get \"good\". for me, good can come from simply busting your ass.
I\'d like to think I\'m am a little better than lucky, but.....folks around here say I have something extra stuck where the sun don\'t shine! See my handle. :upthumb: