Wrong time of year to be changing, I know. I was at the bow shop yesterday getting my be re-tuned for some stiffer shafts and looked at some different type rests. I won\'t be changing rests or anything on my bow this year but I got to thinking (that\'s never good :lol: ) I will have to change strings and cables after this season and will likely change out rests, mine works fine but I\'ve never been thrilled with the way the cable comes so close to the path of the arrow and the way it attaches to the rest. About any rest will hold up in Southeast Missouri if you are careful while walking to and from your treestand. I anticipate Colorado being a little rough on my gear though. I hope this fall is not my last hunt so when I switch rests I want something that is a little more rugged. What type of rests do you guys shoot? What type of rests have failed you? I prefer drop aways, tried a WB years ago and it just wasn\'t for me. I\'m currently considering a Spot Hogg Whammy if I can find one, I\'m a big fan of their products or one by a little company out of Tennesse (Bowfinger) called Medussa. Any thoughts?