Ass handage! :)

elky McElkerson

New member
Mar 13, 2014
even bad deer hunting is gosh darn fun.

happy to report my new healthy legs/lungs were terrific. no hill was too tall or too steep!!

walking down a tiny faint trail, something tickled my sixth sense. i paused and my hunting friend ahead of me, stopped and looked back at me. i motioned that i was gonna veer off to look at something. stepped off the trail and headed into waist high manzanita. i felt/heard my friend hiss at me..i look at him and his eyes were a big as saucers..i look back and \"hear\" the unmistakeable sound of a deer sneaking off. i only saw his butt! hahah.

my friend told me i veered left and the deer snuck right. 17 yards. now; i cant even begin to explain what i saw, felt, smelled, heard to make me think there was something \"right there\"..oh well..if i had bino\'d the area first, i probably would have seen the antlers. lessoned learned.

found a couple of whoppers small feat since the entire area was hazy with smoke. it was a welcomed invite when my friend planned the decent into this nasty valley. it was like we were boot-ski-ing down this hill. the entire time, my buddy was thinking about all the jogging he didnt do..haha. we got to the bottom and he showed me his water bottle..half empty!! what?! we did find where water was squirting out of the moutainside, so he could refill, and i had water treatment with me. saved.

in the end, no deer. we posted up on a busy intersection for the day hoping the 95 deg temps would bring a deer to water. nope.

the hike out was fun..straight up!! one of those hikes where it is best to strap the bow to the packs so you had two hands to climb with as well.

it felt great. i\'ll probably go back solo and drop back into the dark valley. i now know were the water is only a matter of time and luck.

i like hunting..super fun. my wife wants to hike in with me next time. sweet.
How did I miss this?

BY THE WAY, you have part 1 of 2 packages in the mail...

Glad to hear your legs and lungs did you well! All the more reason to keep this all up! :upthumb:

I\'d say it\'s crazy that you sensed the deer, but I know what you mean all too well. There are so many times I am \"drawn\" to certain areas that just seem right. Then they turn out to be my hot spots!
Glad to hear you saw some whoppers even with all of the smoke, you still have more time so I can\'t wait for you to put one down.

Good luck the rest of the season. Maybe the thing I sent you can give you good luck. :upthumb:
sweeeeeet!!!!! not getting your butt kicked because you worked for it is awesome :clap: