Back from 2014 deer muzzleloader hunt

Ol' Arky

New member
Apr 24, 2014
Just got back from the deer camp and 2014 deer muzzleloader hunt but not a picture of me and a deer is avialable since I didn\'t kill one... :downthumb: :downthumb:

BUT it was a great time and I got to see for the 1st time in my life a white raccoon... He was a fast mover and I didn\'t get a picture of um on my Iphone but did get several picture of um on one of my trail cameras...

I really didn\'t believe the white coon pictures on my trail cam until I saw um with my own eyes on Tuesday mornin\' scurryin\' across one on my shootin\' lanes for my stand...

This is the 1st time in recent memory that I didn\'t see at least one legal buck durin\' our deer muzzleloader season... Maybe thing\'s will change the upcomin\' weeks as our youth hunt for the grand boys is this weekend and the modern gun season opens the next weekend... I may have to do some doe huntin\' this year... :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

White coon pictures from one of my trail cams with a regular coon thrown in so ya can compare....

Picture of shootin\' lane the white coon crossed... He was about 3/4\'s of the way up the picture... To far for a good picture from my Iphone even if I\'d had a chance to get one...

Like I said didn\'t kill a deer but had a great time and witnessed several beautiful sunrises and sunsets along with some deer and other critters and I will be there with one of the grand boys this weekend to see if we together can find um a buck...
Well the deer hunting should get a little better when the temps drop.

I would put a \"bracelet\" on that coon.
\"bnsafe\" said:
its duck season arky, no need to waste time on deer

I wish it was duck season but ours doesn\'t open til the 22nd of November... And since I no longer can duck hunt alone it may be after the deer season which ends December 14th before I have anyone to take me... :downthumb: :downthumb:

But I\'m doin\' some heavy talkin\' to get my ol\'est son ready for the ducks sooner... :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
That coon is pretty cool. Can you trap for him?
It would make a great mount

You\'ll get your deer, you always do :)
\"cnelk\" said:
That coon is pretty cool. Can you trap for him?
It would make a great mount

You\'ll get your deer, you always do :)

We do have a trappin\' season but he\'s runnin\' with so many others it might be futile to try to trap for just him...

The deer my come and the deer my go but sooner or later they come to see me... :mrgreen: :mrgreen: Just maybe not this year since we have the best mast crop in recent history due to the cool, wet growin\' season... Right now most all the deer are stacked up in the hardwood bottoms (which I can\'t hunt) and not up in the hills where I do hunt... I just hope they eat all the acorns before the deer season ends... :upthumb: :upthumb: