Barking elk?


New member
Dec 29, 2012
What does everyone do when they here elk bark?  Is the hunt over or do you bark back?  I just recently watch an episode of Team Elk and Kristy Titus explained to run at them and challenge bugle.  Love the idea and definitely think it's worth a try.  For me I definitely don't feel it's over.  I'm still working on my bark to use as well.
I usually just sit and wait it out and they almost always run off. I just figured I was done. But I might start trying to trick them into thinking an elk is there and be loud and maybe rake a tree or something. I'm learning more and more that elk are loud critters and if you make a bunch of noise on accident you can just cover it up with a bugle or a cow call.
Every time I have heard them bark I also hear massive amounts of crashing as they head up or down the mountain.
Just remember there is a nervous bark and a warning bark.  The nervous bark isn't quite as loud and sometimes barking back will calm them down.
MTbowhunter1984 said:
  I just recently watch an episode of Team Elk and Kristy Titus explained to run at them and challenge bugle.

You might want to save that one for when you are in fairly thick cover and the bull is hung up at 50-60 yards with his view is obstructed. Ive been doing it for years and it works great, when played right. It's kind of a gamble though. If it's a now or never moment after a long calling session, then sure use it. If it's early in the game, save it for the end.

As for barking elk, I usually bark back and then follow it with chuckles. Just because they bark doesn't necessarily mean it's over. A lot of times they are just a bit nervous and need you to show them an elk or do something that reassures them you are an elk too. Bark back and don't be afraid to make a little noise in the brush. Elk are not typically quiet animals.
My experience is if they bark it is too late.  Especially if they are in a group.  If it is a lone smaller bull a lot of times they may still be interested, but barking in the herd sends them running.
back in the day before you could go to the store and buy bugles and with my inexperience I use to call elk with a bark and some times would talk back and forth for hours , they don't usually come to a bark but they may think you are an elk or herd of elk that wants to join their herd and can sometimes get them to stop and clam back down
I do the same as the Bugler, bark back followed by chuckling.  Confuses the daylights out of them.  They may not come back in, but they will hang around forever in the general area trying to figure out just what the heck you are. 
just played with this yesterday , a herd of 13 cows and was cow calling with the lead cow for about 10 minutes and the other elk were just grazing , then the lead cow barked at me and I barked back , we did this for about 5 minutes , they did not come any closer but when I barked back every elk on the hill picked there head up and looked at me the entire time we were barking. Don't know what it means but it definitely got their attention. 
on opening day i was busted by 3-4 elk. they ran about 60-80 yards on the other side of the knob we were on, so i immediately started cow calling. one of the elk was barking, i continued cow calling, and another bull was 20 yards from me. he could hear me, but had no visual. i moved down about 50 yards on the knob and 2 minutes later, the same bull plus another walked 30 yards below me, my guess was that they were trying to wind me, and they did. i think that they weren't completely sold on the idea that i was a cow. they heard me, but wanted to see or smell me to be sure i was an elk.
???  Help!!  Sorry I have a question HOW DO YOU MAKE THAT SOUND the elk bark? 
Yep I got busted by a lead cow she had ear tags in she was one of the original elk stocked
in KY probably 12-14 years old. She saw the fletching on my bow got 2 white and 1 yellow I was in full gillie suit and bow blind on bow the only thing she could see was my fletching when I tried to get a shot I had crawled within 35 yards then she saw my fletching move. Anyway HOW DO YOU DO THAT is there a call you use or what. It would be great to have and know what and how. ALL HELP I SAY THANK YOU!!  DT in East TN  ???
I do it with my elk bugle. I use a primos pack bugle and I make one short hard burst on the call while pulling it away.

I have never done it and had it work out for me on elk but I think in the right situation it can be a tool to use. I try it when I am about to be busted and hope that the elk that are getting nervous will think I am another nervous elk, but so far no luck.

I have done the same thing a couple times on whitetails and had it work. I was walking down a frost covered road that was loud on my way to a spot I wanted to sit and I heard a deer get up on the hill above me. I figured that if I was a whitetail doe in that situation I would start blowing like they do. I did my best whitetail blowing impression and the deer on the hill grunted at me. A few minutes later he walked right down in front of me where I promptly missed him.
I just use any normal diaphragm and grunt tube.  It's just quick, loud burst, and then a very big drop off on the end.  If you can chuckle it shouldn't be hard to get a decent one down.  If you haven't got that got some practice time ahead.  My apologies to your family.

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