Basic Elk Calling - Video


New member
Mar 31, 2014
The guy really breaks down the essentials of calling elk.

Excellent video.

Good explanation of how certain drainages might get \"shut down\" as far as vocal activity.

Kept it simple and down to earth!
He mentioned some elk that just chuckle, but didn\'t say what it meant. I started a thread about that, and asked what it meant. I never really got an answer. I\'ve been hearing it all my life, and never knew what the bull was saying.
That\'s a really good, basic presentation ... and as they say, championships are built on a solid foundation of fundamentals.

This is \"basic blocking and tackling\" ...

Pete, as for a bull that chuckles, I\'ve taken it to be a sign of frustration or \"emotion\". Generally, he has cows, and he\'s having trouble keeping them in line, or if he doesn\'t have cows, he\'s frustrated about something. (Disclaimer: That\'s complete conjecture mixed with a few experiences that I interpreted in a way that served to confirm my bias.)
\"Still Hunter\" said:
He mentioned some elk that just chuckle, but didn\'t say what it meant. I started a thread about that, and asked what it meant. I never really got an answer. I\'ve been hearing it all my life, and never knew what the bull was saying.

Chuckles are used by a bull to attract cows to his location or continuously reassure cows to stay with him.

I wont even get into why I think Chuckles and Grunts are the same. :D
Does anyone use chuckles to call in bulls?
I ask because other have brought its meaning up. Maybe a way to gain curiosity from the bulls in the area? I would imagine it not working for vocal elk but rather for silent elk in a cold calling set up.
\"BTL\" said:
Does anyone use chuckles to call in bulls?
I ask because other have brought its meaning up. Maybe a way to gain curiosity from the bulls in the area? I would imagine it not working for vocal elk but rather for silent elk in a cold calling set up.
I do use them in both early and late season sequences.
Basically the same old stuff we have been hearing for years. Nothing new! A poor caller at best to be a pro staffer.