I had the chance to see a very big black bear up close last year as he huffed and puffed around my camp for about 10-15 minutes last year.
I\'m trying to sort out how to arrange camp and hide food. I still haven\'t come up with a good solution.
1. When hanging bear bags, I\'m thinking of hanging 2 of them ... one with the \"cache\" of food, one with \"tomorrow\'s food\" so I don\'t have to sort that all out in the dark. Anyone else do that?
2. How far do you keep the food from your tent?
3. I\'ve got bear spray and a handgun, but would prefer spray, so as to not have to take a day or two off to \"explain my actions\" to a law enforcement officer.
4. Any experience with bear fences? I have access to one. Is it really that easy?
I\'m trying to sort out how to arrange camp and hide food. I still haven\'t come up with a good solution.
1. When hanging bear bags, I\'m thinking of hanging 2 of them ... one with the \"cache\" of food, one with \"tomorrow\'s food\" so I don\'t have to sort that all out in the dark. Anyone else do that?
2. How far do you keep the food from your tent?
3. I\'ve got bear spray and a handgun, but would prefer spray, so as to not have to take a day or two off to \"explain my actions\" to a law enforcement officer.
4. Any experience with bear fences? I have access to one. Is it really that easy?