Been playing with knife sharpening.

elky McElkerson

New member
Mar 13, 2014
Leather strop with some compound. I took another old Buck 110, some ceramic and leather strop with 4 micron emulsion.

Pushed thru the corner of a manual with ease. Fun! Can\'t wait to run this historic blade thru some animal.

Sent via Jedi mind trick.
With all those nice Scandies you have, and you are missing around with a Buck?????? Looks like you did a nice job.
scandis are easy to sharpen :)

convex, not so much. not for me at least. Scandis are \"okay\" at slicing into an animal..pretty good. i want to try a Buck. which is a hollow grind edge. i heard they are made for meat. dunno.

thanks everyone. i feel like such a cowboy wearing the sheath around. :)

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