Best strategy for peak rut



What strategy do you feel works best for archery hunting during the peak of the rut? As I understand, it can be tough to pull big bulls away from their girls during this time. Would you still try to call bulls in, or would you try to locate and then sneak in on them silently?
Funny you posted this today. This morning i got on a bull bugling. Closed in to 100 yards or so cow called and he cut me off. Waited a few and he never sounded any closer. Bugled at him and he responded a couple times than took his cows and went up the mountain. Im the morning im going to try to sneak in on him and not bugle. Im sure any day one or the other will work. Good luck.
Locate and Start with cow calls.  I like Chris Roe's philosophies when it comes with that.  Lost mews, then assembly mews. Works pretty well
If I am not getting a response or getting a lack of interest with cow calling, I immediately employ Corey Jacobsen and Dirk's challenge scenario.  This works pretty well at times too. 
If I have him located and getting him to bugle is tough, I try a strategy you can look up on youtube by Joel Turner.  He calls it bulls calling cows.  Basically, just get real close to the heard and a short raspy bugle with no chuckles.  His thinking is that you are a bull calling to the herd bull's cows and the bull comes it.  That tactic works too.

I pretty much start with cow calls and go from there.  See what they're biting on! Good luck! 

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