i know this is the wrong place but wasnt sure where to put it. anyway, does anybody use compact binocs for hunting. i think i have it down to bushnell legend hd 10x25 or 8x26, or bushnell elite 7x26, or nikon prostaff 8x25. all except elite are 100-150 bucks online. all are 12.2-14 oz. nikons have some bad reviews regaurding how durable they are. all have some good points an bad. right now im leaning on towards the 8x26 bushnell legend hd. they are the heaviest at 14 oz but also the cheapest by 50 bucks. really like the 10x25 but they dont seem to fit well in my hand but very very small. elites are most expensive an only 7 power but im sure a better quality at around 220. so, any thoughts from the binocs gurus. btw i typically hunt very thick timber an glassing a hundred yds doesnt happen much so im tired of carrying around full size 2 lb binocs