Bow target

Bob Frapples

Mar 10, 2014
Anyone know how the newer block black targets hold up to broadhead use? Or recommend the longest lasting target for broadhead use?
I purchased the biggest block black 22x22x16 three years ago for our hunting camp practice range.
My nephews darn near shot it out during the two weeks we were up in camp.
This was only used for broadhead practice, and with field points it might last for a lot longer.
Personally I think for hunting camp practice you are better off with a less costly target like the Yellow Jacket.
One block I have is the largest laminated one just like the white ones, except its black and bigger. The other block \" black\" is not laminated but is some sort of self sealing material. Those laminated ones don\'t live long at all with blades.

I found rotating the (laminated) target 90 deg and try to shoot straight on with it helps make it last longer. It reduces the tearing through the layers and more often splits the gap in the laminates, broad heads just turn it into confetti sooner than later.

I have a tendency not to shoot broad-heads at all until a week or two before hunting and then only a couple shots to ensure they fly the same. I got burned on this last year and plan to do more practice with blades throughout this year.

I\'m afraid some targets will grab the broadhead and pull out the insert remaining buried in the target.
Broadheads are hard on any target. Lets face it they are designed too slice through what ever you are shooting at. That is going to be hard on any target. Thats all I shoot is broadheads, thats what I hunt with thats what I practice with. I tune my bow,set my sight and practice my form all with broadheads. I bought a new bow in November and just put a new sight on it last week. I\'ve shot maybe 120 to 150 arrows through it and not 1 field tip all broadheads. I know I\'m going to go through a lot of targets, just the way it is if thats how I choose to practice. But I have too say since I\'ve been doing that I\'ve been 100% with my bow the last three hunting seasons. I\'ve shot 20 whitetail in 3 years and made 1 marginal shot and was lucky enough to recover it. The rest of them was double lung and some heart along with the lungs. I shoot year around faithfully with what I hunt with and it\'s been paying off. Not bragging, just trying too show that practice and dedication pays off.
Go to a place that sells flat bed utility trailers. I generally go to Murdocks farm and ranch store. The trailers are shipped to the store with Styrofoam shipping blocks. You can get them for free as the store usually just throws them in the dumpster. Pick however many you thing you need and place a ratchet strap around them to hold them together. Makes for a FREE broadhead target.

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