Broadheads - Replace or Resharpen?


New member
Mar 23, 2017
Do you replace your BHs when needed or do you resharpen them?

I shot Muzzys for a long time, but the angled backbone blades dont allow for easy resharpening so that was one reason I strayed away from them

Now shoot SlickTricks, they are quite easy to resharpen
Usually I just replace the head, or replace the blades with today\'s heads.

I like to replace my heads and use new ones to hunt with and use the others for practice. One I kill a animal I usually will just use that head for practice from there on out. If I have too many practice heads I will just replace the blades as I use Thunderheads.

I haven\'t used my recurve in 5 years or so but when I did I almost always sharpened the heads as I use Black Diamond heads and they sharpen well.
I take pride in being able to sharpen, to eye lash shaving sharp, all of my broadheads and knives as well. Just read the bottom of every post I make.
When I shoot something I will spin test the head and if it is still true I replace the blades with new ones. I have sharpened them in the past but my eyes are not as good as they used to be and the blades on my heads are small so I am having a harder time getting them as sharp as new ones.
\"cnelk\" said:
Do you replace your BHs when needed or do you resharpen them?

I shot Muzzys for a long time, but the angled backbone blades dont allow for easy resharpening so that was one reason I strayed away from them

Now shoot SlickTricks, they are quite easy to resharpen

I like Brad liked to resharpen mind when I used to bow hunt...

But Brad proven in his \"In case you wondered...\" post he\'s pretty good at it... :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
I have always sharpened my heads. I admit some are hard to do so and if you remove the blades they are so small to handle. I use G5 Montec blades now and sharpen them easily on a diamond stone. The Montecs are strong too. I shot through the shoulder blade of a deer and still got both lungs with no damage to the blade. :upthumb:
Brad, if you want I can send you a bunch of dull Viper Trick blades!

Killed two birds with one stone.
I like to resharpen too. I am shooting the Black Hornets now and the main blade is simple to resharpen.

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I prefer trying to resharpen. I shoot Magnus and they have a lifetime replacement so if they get nicked/dinged where I can\'t sharpen then I just send back to Magnus and they send me back new blades!

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