Brown down! Swede scores! Film at 11


New member
Jun 30, 2014
Just got the call.....Swede killed a cow this evening around 6pm. :clap: I got the call from Swede\'s wifee...
I haven\'t talked to him myself. I will post details when I get them....but I\'m guessing they go something like this: \"A cow came by my stand, and I shot her...she died. The End.\" :upthumb:
That is awesome. Dad and I hunted the first 9 days with him through the worst stand hunting weather imaginable. This weeks weather looked far more favorable and I\'m glad he stuck it out to arrive at this conclusion. Wish I was still up there to help him pack it out. That\'s awesome news! He deserved this one for sure.
\"elkmtngear\" said:
And in a new area...well done, Sir! :upthumb:

I still haven\'t talked to him yet so I don\'t have all the details but it was back in our traditional area. The \"new\" area which I have hunted for a few years, and took my last bull before bring dad over to it, is quite a bit more work for a single hunter. It has a lot of elk but is miles and miles from any road deck, so after I leave camp Swede will usually try to go places the pack out won\'t be a multiday job. Hot weather... it is ideal to get the meat out asap.
The first week of the season, as Stringunner said, was ridiculously tough for a stand hunter. It got cold and rained. Not enough rain mind you to make stalking a great option either. Then it snowed a touch...and rained again. So the animals are not hitting water as religiously as when it is day time highs in the 90s. This week the hot weather returned and viola.....elk are hitting water holes again. From what I have heard he was at a spot that when it is hot and dry (if the elk are in that canyon) they hit that water hole frequently. Meat in freezer! Swede\'s persistence is what payed off big time. :dance2:
Congrats to ya , Swede... :clap: :clap:

Or do I need to wait til it\'s official and Swede post his picture and story???? ;) ;)
The cow came around at 4:30 PM. She was a large dry cow with more fat than any elk I ever got to look at with the hide off.

There is another spot in close proximity (about 50 yards away from the close watering place) from where my stand was. The first thing that happened was I heard a bugle from what sounded like a large bull. It knew right away it was not surprise pied piper plastic flute affair. It was the real thing. In about ten minutes the bull bugled again. I believed he was standing back from the water holes to listed for a response. Often they wait until they feel secure, and believe nothing is around, before they come in to the water. That has been my experience on several previous occasions, so I kept quiet and waited. Just a couple of minutes after the second bugle, legs and parts of elk bodies ware flashing in and out of my vision behind a screen of trees. I was at the wrong water hole again. Rats! Soon I heard the bull wallowing. Rats again! Then the lead cow came over to where I was, to water. :D It was the old cow in the hand, vs. the bull in the brush situation. The cow was just too good to pass on. I am pleased now, as I doubt the bull would have ever come over.
An hour after I got to butchering on the cow the bull was still nearby, bugling for her. Three or four hours after she was shot, I could hear him chuckling for her in the dark.
Ya messed up his hear, Swede... :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

Glad ya got a bucnh of meat for the freezer.... :upthumb: :upthumb:

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