Calling cadence


New member
Aug 27, 2015
When  cow calling or multiple call \"herd talk\", what is the cadence or timing of the individual mews.  How many seconds between calls. When herd talking how long between the \"call\" and the \"response\"?  How about a lost or searching cow call? Any thoughts?
Personally, I like to be \"erratic\" and vary the timing when I\'m cow calling. I think it\'s a little \"hinky\" when I hear a steady cadence, my first instinct is \"hunter\"!

Troy...your thoughts on this?
Mix it up.
Do nothing that sounds predictable, sounds or length of calling, time between.
The only time I use herd talk is during a Silent Calling routine. The candence is really fast and if two or more guys are in the setup, it is perfectly alright to call right over the top of each other. Elk herds can make a lot of racket, especially when they are on the move. There is usually no response time to worry about as the elk usually come in silent. Hence the name Silent Calling. I usually call for about one minute of herd talk and then wait about 5 minutes between calling sequences. During the 5 minute wait period, I may throw in a single cow mew or so just to keep the interest up.

For other types of cow calls it all depends on the situation. Lost calls and hyper calls can get pretty anxious at times. Other times, not so much. Regular mews and chirps, maybe not so much. Timing for these sounds can depend on the situation at hand as well as hunter experience.
If I am moving through the timber in the brush and shadows I often try to sound like a cow calf pair. I will mew back and forth as I progress along. The cadence varies, but averages every 30-60 seconds. I try to sound like a couple elk keeping track of each other. Occasionally a bull will come in on the run or will call to me, so it is a great idea to stay alert and ready.
\"elkmtngear\" said:
Personally, I like to be \"erratic\" and vary the timing when I\'m cow calling. I think it\'s a little \"hinky\" when I hear a steady cadence, my first instinct is \"hunter\"!

Troy...your thoughts on this?

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