Camp Hygiene


New member
Dec 28, 2012
We take a shower bag and let the sun heat it for a hot/warm shower. It works pretty well but I know someone has made some home made inventions for camp showers so lets see some pictures and ideas.
A film crew came into the area we hunt and built a very nice privy for their use, but they left it when they pulled out. We have made good use of it for a few years now.  8)
I have seen a few really cool ideas made from folding chairs and such, so lets see some of your necessary items that you invented...don't be bashful


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We have use a solar shower too, but when we split up camp last year we used water bottles with water warmed on stove, it worked almost better than the shower. 1 liter of water does wonders.
This might sound red neck, but we take a black (new) pump up sprayer like you would spray weeds with and set it out in the sun. The sprayer works real good for a camp shower. Plus it's cheap
We have the shower bag for longer hunts and also hit the creek which is way cold but refreshing. Each day I use scent free wet wipe towels to wipe down my entire body and use scent away deodorant. This works well for a weekend or even five day hunt but any longer the shower bag is a must.
We also use the solar shower, but we don't heat the water in the bag. We lay 2 litre bottles on a black tarp and then fill the bag. The bottles heat up way faster and  way hotter then the bags gets it.
nclonghunter said:
Oh, I like the water bottle idea. We could set out several for a longer shower.. :D Thanks
We also save our small water bottles from the hunts. They get really hot. By the end of a 2 week trip, there is 30 bottles laying out on the tarp in the sun. lol
Wow I feel like a cave man. I just take my toothbrush and some tooth paste with me to the hills. The longest I have stayed in the hills is a week. If I haven't killed something by about day 4 then I hop in the creek and wash off. Its cold, but if you do it in the middle of the day it is very refreshing.
I try to shower with scent killer soap at least every three days. Camper shower. creek, or friends cabin. If you don't the scent gets to much.
It also depends on your Rank hunting partners!!! Mine has some kind of alien living in his stomach and needs a lot of hygiene.  That's why we have trailers at base camp