Camping Trip:The Holiday Tradition Continues

Ol' Arky

New member
Apr 24, 2014
My wife and I went on our own camping trip again this holiday....

Wife drove us to the trailhead arriving at around 6:30 AM July 4th... After a couple of hours we ended up and our campsite for the next two or three days... View SUCKED so no photos... Time spent at camp was uneventful except for the numerous mosquitoes bites I received and lack of rest for my wife and me... It was not a restful camping trip since our bedding was kind of sub par but at least we were able to see a bit of new scenery and stay dry when it stormed... The oldest daughter in law and their 3 boys was able to join us from time to time but couldn\'t stay long each time they showed up.... We did see a lot of local wildlife but most were female and had all kind of different color coats even though most were in summer coats at this time of year some were still in winter coats... I had fine transportation from the trailhead to camp and back even though my wife had to hike... Almost had to stay additional days due to disagreement between 2 of our guides but they finally agreed to let us make the trip home... Going home yesterday after we went back by trailhead arriving at home about 6:30 PM....

Prognosis: Most said I should live a bit longer with the help of more guides, better meal and more or less meds which ever that might be...

I plan on sighting in my muzzleloader and rifle this year since I had both of them coated in there new rust resistant finish a bit earlier... That is if I can \"catch\" enough air to do so...

The recent holiday tradition continues.....

Anyone that still thinks we were out in mother nature camping needs to see at least one or two or three of my \"guides\"....
:haha: :haha: :haha: :haha: :haha:
Good to hear that they are going to let you chase some whitetails this fall Phil. Them guides can be a pain in the backside sometimes. ;)
Glad to see you are getting out and about. I\'ll bet you\'ll be putting a bunch of ducks in the freezer this year!