Canned oxygen


New member
Aug 3, 2017
My 78 year old dad had the fortunate/unfortunate pleasure of coming out to go elk hunting with me last year. The fortunate part is of course he is still in good shape and healthy enough to spend a week in the mountains and we both enjoy every minute we get to hunt together. Well...the unfortunate part was he relied on me to go scouting for him. I had no clue where to go and ended up picking a spot that held elk but was a miserable bitch. I decided we would camp on top to keep from having to climb daily, but to get to the top meant climbing an avalanche chute and a couple THOUSAND feet elevation (hands and knees at times). Imagine otcwill without the glory and elk. Haha. My dad brought along a can of oxygen and took a couple hits on the way. It was amazing how fast he went from 100% fatigued and finished, to level breathing and ready to climb some more. The can takes up some room in your pack but is weightless. There\'s really no downside to carrying it and if you\'re a flatlander it can really help when you start huffing and puffing.

When I get on elk it always seems like it\'s a mad rush to a spot and that spot is usually up hill and about half way up I\'m ready to die. I\'m thinking a small, easily accessible can might make all the difference when seconds matter. Has anybody done anything along these lines?
i havnt, but saw a can just like that at walmart a few years ago, i thought it looked brilliant.
When I lived in at 9.8K, a friend got me some canned oxygen to try. My daytime oxygen was at 90 and nighttime was in the 80s (too low). It made a difference. I was biking up 12k passes, swimming at 10K, hiking and running. Turns out, I really needed an inhaler for exercise induced asthma and a CPAP machine for sleep apnea. Now, I don\'t need the oxygen when I am at >10K.

In a pinch, those oxygen cans did help.
my friend went to Montana. he woke up after spitting loogees into a gatorade bottle. he was feeling awful and the bottle had blood in it. another buddy rushed him to the doctor. he was suffering from elevation sickness.

the doc asked what he was doing in the area and was answered, \"trying for a montana mulie!\" doc was an avid hunter so he said..\"well, let\'s see what we can do to help\".

they ended up rigging up and O2 mask and sending my friends back to camp with many bottles of O2 and directions to wear the mask while sleeping. my friend David told me he shot his mulie while wearing that mask!! going home he just returned all the bottles at the hospital.

those two friends have the craziest adventures. i get nervous when they are the guys with me at deer camp. stuff just happens with them. its awsome they are such great story tellers.

i am super stoked your dad is still at it nearing his 80\'s..i hope and pray to be blessed something similar.

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