Careful "they" are out there

Steven r ward

New member
Jan 25, 2013
My partner and I were breaking through some thick brush to get to a trail,  upon coming out there were 2 out of state hunters one of which had me at full draw!  Needless to say I wasn't very happy.  He also couldn't even let off and had to shoot his arrow into the ground.  After a short conversation and trying to keep from loosing my composure we left the area.  So be advised "they" are out there
I am 60 years old, But they still haven't found a cure for STUPID,  :mad:
Every Time I hear a story like this it just amazes me.

WOW! a stupid is a stupid does. I hate "them" I don't mind out of state hunters to much, its the ones that have lots of money that have never hunted and decide one year they are hunters. Scares the heck out of me 'them there city slickers'
Same thing happened to me except it was a rifle.  We were sitting on a ridge and we saw some other hunters about 400 yards from us.  Put my binos and later spotting scope up to see what they were up to and both guys were looking at us through their scope on their guns pointed at us with bino's slung around their necks. 

Their are morons out their, especially these guys that apparently missed that day in hunter's ed when they explained one of the rules of gun safety is to always point your gun in a safe direction and not at others.
jls456 said:
These type are in "Every State" And not all are from out of state.
Im with you on this one .pointing the finger at out of staters may be a little unjust.I see lots of not only stupid people but lazy people with no ethics.and some are my neighbors.They come from every where.
GoatT said:
Same thing happened to me except it was a rifle.  We were sitting on a ridge and we saw some other hunters about 400 yards from us.  Put my binos and later spotting scope up to see what they were up to and both guys were looking at us through their scope on their guns pointed at us with bino's slung around their necks. 

Their are morons out their, especially these guys that apparently missed that day in hunter's ed when they explained one of the rules of gun safety is to always point your gun in a safe direction and not at others.
I would have dropped my drawers and gave them a look at my bare ass! but then again it would be hard to explain how I got shot in the butt.... LOL