Cecil the Lion. POW! Black eye!

elky McElkerson

New member
Mar 13, 2014

That lion killing (hunt) really worked up the general public into a lather against hunting. It galvanized anti-hunters.

You hear? That dentist may as well move to Zimbabwe. He is screwed. Social media feeding frenzy.

Sent via Jedi mind trick.
Am I the only one who has no interest in killing African game?

Minus my Once in a Life time oryx hunt which is not in Africa, it\'s in NM :D
I\'d consider it if I could FedEx back the meat! Not going that far or spending that kind of money for horns. Plus, I still remember the owner of bowsite having a black mamba join him in his pit blind and that pretty much sealed the deal for me not wanting to go!

Yes, if there\'s ever a rattler in my antelope blind, I\'ll not do that hunt again either.

i almost stepped on a rattle snake yesterday. jogging trail. i was stepping down, and noticed the snake. i did this Crouching tiger - hidden dragon trick where is stepped on some imaginary object right over the snake and levitated over and away to safety...the entire time uttering a wail..that sounded like..\"sna..waaaaaaaaaaaa!\"

i\'m not scared of snakes,but being surprised by one is no bueno. glad is didnt squeeze out any body stuff..it freaked me out. i went back and noticed the rattle, just to make sure i wasnt being a weenie.
this is why Steven Rinella is my favorite celeb hunter. the man can put together some will thought out sentences. READ THIS!! and the new article written my the Zimbabwean.

<!-- m --><a class=\"postlink\" href=\"http://themeateater.com/2015/thoughts-on-african-lions-big-game-trophies-and-hunting-in-america/\" onclick=\"window.open(this.href);return false;\">http://themeateater.com/2015/thoughts-o ... n-america/</a><!-- m -->

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