Choose your moose

I like clean and messy, but in this picture I want the moose in the rear.
Im waiting for the one in front to clear and then I am shooting the clean typical moose.
close but bad angle. I would like to shoot the far one but if the front one turns broadside and stands still. :think:
id prob wait for the closer one to turn and shoot him, but, all depends, are they feeding and relaxed, do i have time, wind. if i thought they were leaving it would be the back one with a ml or rifle, would not shoot with a bow.
I\'m going with Scott\'s first answer. The first one that offers a good shot.

What\'s your answer Brad?
I want the back one with my bow. At the moment they are calm and feeding. When he gives me a broadside shot.
There are only so many moose I\'ll get to shoot in my lifetime. One in Colorado at some point and then maybe another if I\'m lucky enough to go to Alaska or Canada some day. So I\'m definitely waiting as long as necessary to shoot the bigger of the two. And depending on where I am at, what I have seen for other bulls, and how many days I have left, I may not be shooting at all in this scenario...
For those that would shoot the closer bull, your opportunity is coming very soon...

I like all the velvet on the closest moose... But when he gets that close I be shaking my head and looking for a tree close by... :D :D

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