Cleaning adhesive off arrows

Baby Huey

New member
Apr 17, 2014
I\'m replacing some of my arrow wraps and I cannot get all of the adhesive off from the old wraps. Tried paint thinner and it is not taking all of it off. Any suggestions?
Maybe try an acetone of some sort? Should be mild enough to get it odd and not degrade the integrity of your arrows.
Not to hijack your thread Roman but I messed up and used the wrong pin yesterday and skipped one of my new arrows off the gravel and nocked a vane off the wrap. The wrap is fine but has adhesive on it. Can you clean it off the wrap or do I have to replace the wrap now?
from what I read about wraps, you will have replace the wrap. it was one of the cons with using wraps. but..... I am not an expert on this.
If you are careful with a razor you can trim the wrap and glue the new vane to the shaft in the same spot without it being too noticeable. I do this for myself but not customers.
I use nail polish remover (diluted acetone) and a razor blade. Works great. As for wraps, I like \'em but replacing vanes can be a PITA. I saw a TV hunter using wraps below the vanes. Seems like a good idea and something I will try.
Thanks for the info guys. I just looked on Easton\'s web sight and the wraps that came on them are not even shown on it yet. I will try out your ideas. Worst thing that can happen is I will take the wrap off and glue them on the shaft itself.

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