cleaning frame packs?


New member
Aug 3, 2017
What would be the best thing to use to clean out my frame pack? It has quite a lot of blood soaked all the way through it. Any thoughts on what wont leave a smell or bleach out the camo.
big rubber maid type bin.

fill it with water, put in some scent free detergent..i use some stuff i get from Costco. soak the pack overnight. i use a fingernail brush on the bad bad parts. then blast it with my garden hose with the \"jet\" nozzle. it works pretty good. better than i ever expect.

then hang it fully unzipped in the shade.

this is what i do.
I just called Kifaru on how to wash the blood out of my new EMR II pack. They said to use Woolite, as it will not fade the camo on their packs and to also use a standard garden hose to spray it down as Elky is doing.

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